Headmaster 小学校长 register/enrole(登记、报到) opening ceremony(开学典礼) lecture(报告) tutorial(一个学生发言那种) basic course基础课 specialized course专业课 required course必修课 optional/selective course选修课 kindergarten幼儿园'kɪndə,gɑːt(ə)n] elementary education初等教育 secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育 adult education成人教育 open admission免试入学制 nursery school托儿所 primary/elementary school小学(英/美) secondary school中学 coeducation男女生同校制度 junior high school初中 senior high school高中 private school私立学校 public school公立学校 universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家 postgraduate研究生 undergraduate本科 auditor=guest student旁听生 boarder住宿生 open-book exam开卷考 pop test抽考 teaching facilities教学设施 assistantship助学金 scholarship奖学金 room and board食宿 vice-monitor副班长 period of schooling学习年限 credit system学分制 mark/score/grade分数 schedule=school timetable课程表 individual study自习 individual coaching=tutorial个别指导 after-school activities课外活动 social investigation社会调查 voluntary labor义务劳动 graduation appraisal毕业评估 graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼 diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书 drop out辍学 quit school退学 school discipline校纪 attendance/participation出勤率 attend a lecture上课 miss a class缺课 cut a class旷课 expel sb from school开除 tuition学费 miscellaneous expenses杂费 [,mɪsə'leɪnɪəs] a grant-aided student领助学金的学生 lecture portfolio讲义夹 semester半学期 【i】 blue-book考卷 report card成绩单 final-examination期末考核 quiz小测验 oral test口试 Bachelor学士 Master硕士 course arrangement课程按排 application form申请表 school year 学年 term, trimester 学季 school day 教学日 school holidays 假期 subject 学科 exercise 练习 dictation 听写 spelling mistake 拼写错误 seminar 研讨班 playtime, break 课间,休息 course (of study) 学业 classmate, schoolmate 同学 pupil 小学生 school uniform 校服 teaching staff 教育工作者(总称) headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress) deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长 of school age 教龄 beginning of term 开学 question paper 试卷 to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试 to fall an examination 未通过考试 failure 未考好 to repeat a year 留级
educational background 教育程度
educational system 学制
regular school 普通学校
social practice 社会实践
extracurricular activities 课外活动ekstrəkə'rɪkjʊlə]
physical activities 体育活动
recreational activities 娱乐活动
academic activities 学术活动
excellent leader 优秀干部
"Three Goods" student 三好学生
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization 组织委员['kɒmɪs(ə)rɪ]
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
dean of studies 教务处长
dean of students 教导主任
abroad student 留学生
repeater 留级生
educational highlights 课程重点部分
curriculum included 课程包括
courses taken 所学课程
courses completed 所学课程
special training 特别训练
social practice 社会实践
summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作
student council 学生会
in-job training 在职培训
probation teacher 代课教师
tutor 家庭教师
pass 及格
fail 不及格
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员 获取知识 acquire knowledge 远程教育 tele-education
素质教育 quality-oriented education
知识的 source of knowledge 有助于个性的发展 facilitate the development of individuality
在较好的环境中长大 grow up under more favorable circumstances
接受必要的教育 receive adequate education
受过良好教育 well -educated
适应性强 well-adapted
取长补短 learn from each other ~ s strengths to offset their owq weaknesses
智商IQ (intelligence quotient)
充分发挥 bring into full play have a wide range of skills
发挥创造潜能 use one‘s creative potential; add to our knowledge about
设施齐全 (kindergarten)well-equipped facilities
上课 attend class
学习成绩 academic performance
均匀分 average score
从事兼职工作 take part-time job
体罚 corporal punishment
差生 inferiorstudents
把孩子看扁 condemn a child
过度宠爱 excessive permissiveness