第 一单元 课题 Unit 1 In class 第 1教时
目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window。
2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in.
3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Open the door/the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. I’m sorry.
重点 1. 句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. I’m sorry.
2. 词汇: in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in. open, the, door, close, window.
难点 1. 句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the
window .Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please.的正确读法和在情境下的正确运用。
2. 词汇:open, close的用法
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