阅读短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。 Here is a video of last year’s Sports Day. All the students were very excited. Look! Mary is running faster than Lucy. Oh, Bob is jumping lower than Tom. Sally is doing better in skating than Linda. Look! That’s Eddy. He can’t jump as far as Nick. Tom is in Class 1, Mary, Eddy and Sally are his classmates. Nick is in Class 2, Lucy, Bob and Linda are his classmates. 1. Who jumps higher, Bob or Tom? 2. Does Linda skates better than Sally? 3. Who jumps farther, Eddy or Nick? 4. Does Mary run faster than Lucy? 5. Which class is the winner(获胜者)? 预览已结束,请登录阅读全文。 本文共5页,您只能预览前4页,下载后可全文阅读 版权声明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领 |