




Happy_GeiRI 发表在 本单元综合2017-8-2 12:52 [复制链接]
8A Unit8 Natural disasters
1.shake v.shaking (n.) 摇动
2.direct v. →direction(n.) 方向
3.live v. →alive (adj.) 活着的
4.safe adj. →safety(n.) 安全
5.fear (n.) →fearful(adj.)可怕的、担心的
1. wash away 冲走   wash 代词away
2. be all wet 全湿了
3. start to rain 开始下雨
4. wake up 醒来 wake代 词 up wake up+名词
5. mop up the water 把水拖干净
6. crash into a tree 撞在树上
7. start big fire 引起大火
8. fall from the tree 从树上掉下来
9. a heavy storm with thunder and lightening 伴有雷电的大暴雨
10. catch fire 着火
11.in the early morning 在清晨
12.feel a slight shake 感觉到轻微的晃动
13.hear a loud noise like thunder 听到像雷声的噪音
14. start to shake 开始摇晃  shake hands with sb.  
15.scream in fear 恐惧地尖叫
16. run out of the building 跑出楼房
17.try my best to run out 尽我所能的跑出
18.begin to calm down 开始平静下来
19.say to oneself 自言自语
20. calm down 平静下来
21. silent silence silently 安静 寂静的
22. not at all 一点也不
23 find one’s way out 找到出路
24. hear about the fire 听说火灾 hear of  听说 hear from收到...的来信
25. Was anyone hurt? 有没有受伤?hurt v.adj.
26. fear v. fearful fearless 害怕 A moment of fear went through my mind. 一丝恐惧     掠过我的脑海。
27. direction n. in all directions 方向,方位  四面八方
28.shout for help 大声呼救  shout at 因为责备而大叫 shout to
29.pull oneself slowly through the dark 把自己从黑暗中拉出
30.try to find my way out 试着找到我的出路
31.hear some noise above me 听到我头顶上有噪音
32.hear shouts from excited people 听到兴奋人们的叫喊声
d-mode:char;line-height:125%;" >28. an awful day糟糕的一天

8A Unit8 Natural disasters.doc
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