




ferha 2007-8-4 11:10 [复制链接]
Regarded as one of the masters of cinema, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, in the 1960s, passed away July 30, 2007. He was born July 14, 1918, in Uppsala, Sweden. Bergman was -- and still is -- considered one of the pioneers of filmmaking. The great mastermind behind masterpieces such as "Winter Light," "Persona" and "Cries and Whispers" died peacefully in his sleep on the Swedish island of Faro at the age of 89.
Bergman brought an emotionaland sensuousappeal to directing. Most of his films capture the essenceof two foundational relationships of human existence, the affair between man and woman, and that between humankind and God. Often perceived as dark and emotionally charged, Bergman's films expressed the human emotion of being alone and fearful. Bergman, right, relaxes on location on the islet of Faro off Gotland Island in the Baltic Sea, southeastern Sweden, during filming of "Through A Glass, Darkly" in this 1960 file photo. At left is Bergman's chief cameraman Sven Nyqvist.
伯格曼给导演事业带来了激情和美感。他的大部分电影捕捉到了人类存在的两种基本关系:男人和女人之间的关系以及人类和神之间的关系。伯格曼经常能够洞察人性的黑暗及情绪波动,他的电影表达了人类在孤独和恐惧时的情感。图为伯格曼1960年拍摄《穿越黑暗的玻璃》的一张档案图片,右面的人是伯格曼,他在瑞典东南波罗的海的哥特兰岛附近的法罗岛休息。左边是伯格曼的御用摄影师Sven Nyqvist。
Bergman, had his own emotionally charged relationships to draw from for his films. Scandinavian actress Liv Ullman, during the filming of "Cries and Whispers," Sept. 9, 1971, who appeared in nine of Bergman's films, had a five-year affair with the director and gave birth to his daughter.
Bergman, left, talking with actor Peter Sellers while he visits a movie set during a trip to Hollywood, made his mark upon Hollywood as well. Bergman picked up three best foreign language film Academy Awards and director Woody Allen once described him as "probably the greatest film artist... since the invention of the motion picture camera."
"Fanny and Alexander," 1982, was one of Bergman's most prized productions during his lifetime, winning four Oscars, including the best foreign language film. The story revolved around Bergman's years at a university, in which he -- among other men -- competed for the heart of a beautiful girl. However, the girl rejected Bergman and other men due to her failed love with the prince of Egypt. She subsequently deemed any further love interests preemptive failures. In the photo, Bergman teaches his son Daniel how to handle a camera while Bergman's wife and mother of Daniel, Kibi Laretai, watches. Daniel became later a film and theater director.
《芬尼与亚历山大》(1982)是伯格曼一生最受褒奖的作品之一,拿到了包括最佳外语片奖在内的四项奥斯卡奖。故事隐含了伯格曼大学时代的生活,在大学里,伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。然而,这个女孩由于和埃及王子恋爱失败拒绝了伯格曼和其他人的追求,在那之后这个女孩子认为任何深入的恋爱都会失败。在照片中,伯格曼在教他的儿子丹尼尔如何使用照相机,孩子的妈妈,他的妻子Kibi Laretai看着他们。丹尼尔后来成为了电影和剧场导演。
One of Bergman's turning points during his years of film and theater production occurred during a hospital stay. When he awoke from anesthesia, his fear of death evaporated and a lustfor human love was Bergman's cause for existence. Subsequently, most of Bergman's films contained explorations of human belief, faith and love. The picture is Bergman on the cover of Time magazine, March 14, 1960.
Bergman was a man of extreme talent whom, throughout his life, struggled with the fear of death. In "Wild Strawberries," Bergman uses the protagonist, Isak Borg, to portray the extreme emotional discomfort that plagued Bergman at the time. Ultimately, the closer Bergman got toward death, the less he was fearful of it. He lived an extraordinary life, and left films of poetic affections to tell about it. In addition to his affair with Swedish actress Liv Ullmann, seen in the picture in Munich, Germany, on Nov. 19, 1976, Bergman was married five times and fathered nine children.
伯格曼是一个极有天分的人,他的一生都在和死亡的恐惧斗争。在《野草莓》中,伯格曼用主角Isak Borg表现了那段时间折磨他自己的情感的极度不适。最终,伯格曼离死亡越近,他对死亡的恐惧越少。除了我们在图中看到的他和瑞典女演员丽芙·伍尔曼的关系之外,伯格曼结过五次婚,是九个孩子的父亲。图片摄于1976年11月19日的德国。
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