Show some characters with big eyes)
Hi, boys and girls! When I am free, I often watch cartoons. They are my good friends.
Look! Who are they?
This is a blue cat.
I think this is Micky Mouse.
Yes, I like them very much, how about you?
S2: I like them very much, too.
Because they look very lovely.
T: (有意识补充):Yes, you see. Their eyes are so big. (手比画)
2 T:
(1) : In our class. Whose eyes are big, too? S1: Zhang Xin yun’s eyes are very big.
Zhang Xinyun is a girl with big eyes.
T: Who is a girl with big eyes, too?
S:…S2 is a girl with big eyes..
T: Is S3 a girl with big eyes, too?
S: No, I don’t think so.
T: Yes, S1’s eyes is not very big. She is a girl with small eyes.
In our class, Who is a girl with small eyes,too?
S: I think S2 is a girl with small eyes.
(T追问被提问的同学:Are your eyes big?
Are you a girl with small eyes?)
S: I think S3 is a girl with small eyes.
And your hair is very short. I see some girls’ hair are short. Some girls’ hair is long.
Whose hair is long?
S: S4’s hair is long.
Oh, S4’s hair is long,
She is a girl with long hair. Who’s a girl with short hair?
S5 is a girl with short hair.
(3) T: How about boys students. Oh, some boy students’ heads are very big.
Look, Cao Jinhui’s head is so big.
So we may say (引导)
Cao Jinhui is ……..(Ss: a boy with big head)
Haha. Look at Mr Ding. My head is very big, too..
归纳 with 表示特征的情况
( with a small mouth中的a顺势引导)
a girl with big eyes
She is a girl with big eyes.
Who’s the girl with big eyes?
He is a man with big eyes.
Is that man with big eyes your father?
电脑: 口头翻译: 一名大眼睛的女孩 那名大眼睛的女孩
英语的学习在很大程度上需要母语的语言思维支撑,某些英语语言点对应汉语思维特点,因此汉语的语言思维可以迁移到英语的语言思维,例如My eyes are big这句话的语序与中文“我的眼睛大”对应,相对而言就比较容易掌握,但是本课用With表示身体特征的短语由于英语特有的语言特点,学生很难掌握。本节课这个环节针对此教学难点做出了以上设计:
with表示身体特征这个语言点是一个教学难点,由于汉语没有这样的语言结构,母语思维表现无语言迁移性,但本环节通过旧句子,旧的思维逐渐过度到了新的语言,并通过循序渐进的“替换”使学生逐步掌握语言,如教师的在开始问:In our class, whose eyes are big? 等某学生回答哪位班级里的同学眼睛后的语言:Yes, Zhang Xinyun’s eyes are big. Zhang Xinyun is a girl with big eyes. Who is a girl with big eyes, too? //
然后教师谈论完“大眼睛”话题后,作出如下替换谈论“小眼睛”:S1’s eyes is not very big. She is a girl with small eyes. Who is girl with small eyes? 这个环节教师有意让学生注意新的结构,所以两段内容谈论中的句子变化不大,照顾大多数学生的思维,然后在第二个层次中开始将器官替换,And your hair is very short. I see some girls’ hair are short. I can see in our class some girls’ hair is long. → Whose hair is long, too? → Who is a girl with long hair?
(三)激发学生语言思维 创造和谐动态课堂
新课程倡导我们要营造积极和谐的英语听说氛围,创造情景发展学生语言能力。本节课的这个环节一直由教师的语言控制,教师提出的每个问题都是有交际意义地,启动学生开动脑筋思考,同时这些问题对学生的英语学习又都有指导作用,教师的教学也尽可能关注大部分学生的接受能力,例如问题设计的坡度,语言的推进等。教师也不失时机使本身枯燥的内容更情趣化,例如关注完女孩子的眼睛大小,头发长短后,又开始把语言焦点转向男生的头大头小,同时,教师不忘自己也融入到课堂教学中“Look at Mr Ding. My head is very big, too.”..整个课堂教学和谐,智慧,将语言难点让学生掌握在无形中。