小学四年级英语书写竞赛卷(2018.5) 班级: 姓名: 得分: 书写要求: 1.本试卷要求在20分钟内完成。 2.用铅笔书写。 3.书写正确、规范,标点正确,卷面整洁、美观、流畅。 一、将下列单词大写改小写,小写改大写。(20分) MUSIC DIFFICULT SCIENCE season warm file:///C:\Users\apple1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC147.tmp.png 二、照样子,在四线三格内抄写下列短文。(40分) Our timetable I have a new timetable. We have nine subjects. I like English very much . It is great fun. We have four English lessons a week .We can sing English songs in our class. 三、照样子,在横线上仿写对话。(40分) 例: 仿写:zoo , tiger difficult., A:What’s can you see in the park ? A: _______________________________________ B: I can see a hill. B: _______________________________________ A: Can you draw it? A: _______________________________________ B: Let me try. Oh, it’s easy. B: _______________________________________
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