




Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Roles: Narrator, Hare, Turtle, Lily, Binbin, Mom and Foreigner.

Scene One

Narrator: Long long ago, there was a race between a hare and a turtle. Do you know this story?

Hare: Good morning, Mr. Turtle.
Turtle: Good morning, Mr. Hare
Hare: What are you doing?
Turtle: I’m running.
Hare: Running? Ha,ha…! Your legs are so short! Can you run?
Turtle: Of course I can.
Hare: My legs are long .I can run faster than you.
Turtle: Don’t be so sure.
Hare: Well then, let’s run to the tall tree. Let’s see who can get there first.
Turtle and Hare: All right. Ready? Go!

Narrator: At the beginning, the hare ran faster than the turtle. He was very happy. Then he stopped running to have a rest, but the turtle kept going. We all know that the turtle was the winner in the end!

Turtle: Hi, Mr. Hare! How are you? I am here first. Who is faster, you or me?
Hare: Oh!
Narrator: Slow and steady wins the race. In our daily life, there are also some people who like the hare and the turtle. Now let’s look in on Lily and Binbin.

Scene Two

Narrator: Lily and Binbin come back home.
Lily and Binbin have an issue of 21st Century Teens. Kids Edition in their hands. They are very happy.

Lily & Binbin: Mom, we’ve got another issue of 21st Century Teens.
Mom: Good! Then study here. Remember to take it seriously.
Lily & Binbin: All right, Mom.

Narrator: Mom goes out. Lily and Binbin sit by the desk. They begin to read the newspaper. They browse through it. Then they read the first part. Lily reads it carefully and underlines the new words. Now she is looking up the new words in the dictionary and writing them down. She is going online and listening to them.

(Lily reads the passage aloud.)
Binbin is absent-minded with his study.
After a while, Lily is still concentrated on her studies, but Binbin….
(Binbin is playing football.) (After some time, Mom and Binbin come back.)

Mom: What are you doing, Binbin?
Binbin: I’m going to play basketball.
Mom: But you should study first.
Binbin: I’ve finished studying.
Mom: OK, please read this story.
Binbin: This one? (Binbin point at the newspaper)
Mom: Yes, that one.
(Binbin read the story loud.)
Binbin: It’s difficult for me to read the newspaper. There are many new words. I don’t understand them.
Mom: You should learn from Lily. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Binbin: I know, Mom.
Lily: Binbin, if you are serious about studying, it will be easy. You know, the newspaper is very interesting. We can get much knowledge from it. We can look up the new words in the dictionary, and we can also go online to listen to them. You see, Binbin?
Binbin: I see.

Narrator: Lily goes back to her studies. At first, Binbin studies carefully. He sits very straight in his chair. After a few minutes, Binbin moves his body left and right, looking at Lily with his big eyes. He knows that Lily is still concentrated on her studies. Then Binbin takes out some biscuits and eats them. They are delicious.

Lily: Binbin! (Binbin is surprised. He falls from the chair.)
Lily: Ha, ha! I’m tired. Let’s go and play!

Narrator: Binbin is very happy. They are going out to play football.
Lily: Look at the ball, Binbin.
Binbin: Can you catch the ball?
Lily: It’s easy.

Narrator: Just them, a foreigner walks to Binbin.
Foreigner: Excuse me….

Narrator: Binbin suddenly hides behind Lily. He is afraid of the stranger.
Lily: Can I help you, Madam?
Foreigners: I am from England. I’d like to go to Hengli Primary School. Would you please show me the way?
Lily: Oh, that is our school. It’s beautiful. Please go down this road, and then turn right at the second crossing. It’s on your left.
Foreigner: Thank you very much! Your English is very good. You will have a good future.
Lily: I’m powerful.
Binbin: I will work hard. I will be powerful, too.

Narrator: No matter what you are doing, slow and steady wins the race.
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发表于 2005-7-1 20:49:00
系列2Practice Makes Perfect

Today was grandma’s birthday. There was a birthday party in her house. Last year, her grandsons and granddaughters showed off their skills to grandma. But their skills were poor and their performances not good. So they practiced day in and day out, month in and month out. After a year, they had a birthday party again. They again showed their skills to grandma. This time, their performances were wonderful. Everyone was very proud of it.

剧中角色: Grandma David John Amy Sarah Mike Mark Ben
Scene One

Show skills

Grandma: (Grandma comes on slowly) I’m MiMi—It means Mew Mew. I’m 88. Today is my birthday. I’m going to ask my grandsons and granddaughters to come to my house. (Grandma makes a phone call.) Hello, this is MiMi.

Mike: Hello, Grandma.

Children: Grandma, we miss you very much.

Grandma: Come on, children. Today is my birthday.

Children: Happy birthday, Grandma.

Grandma: Thank you. See you later.

Children: See you later.

Grandma: (Faces the mirror) Beautiful. (Turns around) How beautiful I am!

Children: Happy birthday to you, grandma! Let’s sing “Happy birthday.” (They all enjoy themselves.)

Grandma: Thank you.

David: Let’s have a party, ok?

Children (all together): Yes. Let me show you.

Grandma: David, please.

David: OK. (With a funny action) Let me show you how I play the saxophone. (His
performance will go and stop many times. He doesn’t play well.)

Children: (clap hands politely)—Oh, my god!
Two boys (say one by one): It’s too bad. That’s just noise.

Grandma: Thank you. Try your best to do it well.

David: I’m sorry. (Funny action and exits.)

Children: Let me show you.

Grandma: Amy and Sarah, please.

Amy and Sarah: We are dancing, dancing. (Their performance isn’t good. Clumsy
movements and then they fall down.)

Grandma: Be careful, be careful, children.

Children: Laugh heartily.

John: Are they dancing? No, they are not dancing.

David: Grandma, our skills are not perfect. Let’s practice, OK?

Grandma: You practice again and again. (They practice days and months)

Scene Two

Practice hard

David (plays the saxophone); John (draws pictures); Girls (dance)
Mike ( Practices Chinese Gongfu.)
They all work hard day after day, month after month. At the same time, they practice singing songs. Ben, Tom and Mark change the background— (the sun and the moon go up and down; show and change the pictures of the four seasons.)


1. Monday Monday music on Monday Tuesday Tuesday drawing on Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday dancing on Wednesday
Thursday Thursday P.E on Thursday
Friday Friday my favourite day

2. Spring spring 春天到 百花开 鸟儿叫
Summer summer 夏天到 烈日炎炎当天照
Autumn autumn 秋天到 红红的苹果点头笑
Winter winter 冬天到 北风吹来雪花飘

Scene Three


Music plays. Children are decorating the house. The granddaughters help Grandma.

Children: Come on, Grandma.

Grandma: Oh. It’s beautiful! What date is today?

Children: It’s your birthday.

Grandma: Ah! It’s my birthday. Am I…89?

Children: Yes, happy birthday to you, Grandma!

Ben: Grandma, Grandma, come here! Look, it’s a big cake for you.

Grandma: Thank you.

Children: (Move in to smell it.) It’s tasty. It’s sweet. We really want to eat it.

David: Oh, no. Grandma, let’s show you our skills first.

Grandma: Good idea. Show them to me one by one. David, please.

David: Look at me. (Plays on the saxophone with the “Happy birthday” song)
(They clap hands, sing “happy birthday” and enjoy themselves)

Children: Good, good, very good! (a funny action)

Grandma: Super.

David: Thank you. Practice makes perfect. (A funny action)

John: My favourite is drawing. Draw a birthday cake.

Colour it yellow and white. Draw candles. Well, look. (shows it to everyone.)

Children: (clap hands) Wow, it’s beautiful. It’s perfect.

Ben: You can draw better than before. Why?

John: Practice makes perfect. (A funny action)

Grandma: Good boy.

Amy and Sarah: Let’s dance for you. We are dancing, dancing, dancing.

(Children: They are dancing, dancing, dancing. (Praise) Well done. Wonderful.)

Grandma: Smart girls.

Amy and Sarah: Thank you. Practice makes perfect. (A funny action)

Mike and Mark: (Turn to face grandma) Our favourite skill is Chinese Gongfu.

Ben: One, Two, Go!

Mark:Come on. (Raise fist,raise feet and then music)

Mike: Now I am the winner.

Mark: It isn’t possible. I am your teacher. How? How?

Mike: Remember: Practice makes perfect. (A funny action)

Mark: Oh! –Oh. That’s right.

Grandma: You’re good children. I’m very happy today.

Children: We are happy, too. Our performances were perfect.

Please remember: practice makes perfect (With a funny action. Bow and exit.)
发表于 2005-7-1 20:50:00
系列3The Three Brother Goats

There were three goat brothers. One day, they found that there was no grass for them to eat! They
decided to go to a new hill to find grass. However, they had to walk across a bridge. There was a monster living under the bridge! Maybe the monster would eat them when they walked over the bridge. The three smart goats had a good idea... 剧中角色:Narrator, the oldest goat, the middle goat, the youngest goat, the monster
  Narrator:   Once upon a time, there were three goat brothers. Their last name was Gruff.       The oldest goat was tall and fat, the youngest goat was very small, and the         middle goat was very skinny.

The youngest goat:   I am hungry ! Where is all the grass?
The middle goat:  We ate it all. The oldest goat:  Look over there, I see a hillside with a lot of grass. Let’s go over there and                          eat.

Narrator:   The three brothers began to walk towards the bridge. Suddenly, the middle goat                 remembered the monster under the bridge.
The middle goat:  Wait! Wait! I heard that a big monster lives under the bridge. He eats up                     every one who tries to cross it! He will eat us too!
The youngest goat:  Oh, no! I didn’t know that such a monster lived there. I’m too scared to                       cross the bridge now.
Narrator:  The two younger goats began to shake and cry.
The middle goat:  What can we do? There is no grass to eat here. The youngest goat:  But how can I cross over the bridge safely? You are taller and stronger                               than me. You may escape, but I might be eaten.
The middle goat:  Baa!  Yes, you are taller and stronger than me. You can escape from him,                           but I might be eaten! The oldest goat:  Now brothers, let’s think. We don’t have to be scared.

Narrator:  The three goats thought and thought…The oldest goat:  Ah! I have an idea! Let’s cross over the bridge one at a time. Each of you                          will tell the monster to eat the fatter and taller goat coming after you.

The youngest goat:  Right! Then  the  monster  will  let  me  past to  wait  for  you. Then                               you will kill him, right?
The middle goat: That's right! Then I will kill him. I hope this works! The next day, the youngest goat walked slowly onto the bridge.
The monster:  Who's that walking on my bridge?

The youngest goat:  Oh, I am the tinniest goat gruff I am very small.
Narrator:  The youngest goat's voice sounded very quiet, because he was very scared.
The monster:  No, you're not! Nobody can pass over my bridge I will gobble you up. The youngest goat:  Oh, please don't eat me! I'm too little. The monster:  Hmm. He is fatter and taller than you! Well, you may pass then.

Narrator:  So, the youngest goat ran across the bridge.  A little later, the middle goat came to cross the bridge .He took a deep breath, then walked on to the bridge.
The monster:  Who's that walking over my bridge?

The middle goat: I am the middle goat Gruff. I'm very skinny. The monster:  No, you're not. You are taller and fatter then your smaller brother. I will gobble                      you up.

The middle goat:  Oh, no! Please don't eat me. Look at me! I'm very skinny. Wait a little                           longer until my older brother comes. He is much fatter and taller than me.                           If you eat me, now, you will not taste better food later.
The monster: Hmm, he is fatter and taller than you? Very well, then, you can go, too.

Narrator:  So ,the middle goat ran across the bridge, too. The oldest goat arrived at the                bridge .He was so heavy, that the bridge creaked.
The monster:  Ahh, he is much taller and fatter than the other brothers. The other goats told                      me the truth. Who's that walking over my bridge?

The oldest goat:  It's me! I am the oldest goat Gruff.

Narrator:  The oldest goat had a loud voice.
The monster:  I've been waiting for you. You will be my dinner. Ha! Ha!

The oldest goat:  Go ahead and try! But I warn you: I have two spears so I can poke in your                          eyes and I can crush you!
Narrator:  However, the monster was not afraid. He walked up to the side of  the bridge. The               oldest goat poked in the monster `s eyes with his horns.
The oldest goat also hit him hard with his strong shoulders. Then the monster fell into the river and drowned.

The oldest goat:  Now, everyone can cross over the bridge without fear.  I told you two not to                  be afraid.

The middle goat: Yes, you were right!
The middle goat and the youngest goat: Let's cheer for our brother! Hooray! Hooray!

The oldest goat: Now we can go and eat that delicious grass!

Narrator:  And the three goats happily went up the hillside to eat the delicious grass..
发表于 2005-7-1 20:52:00
系列4Little Red Riding Hood

One day, Mother asked Little Red Riding Hood to take some fruits to her grandma, because Grandma was ill. On her way to Grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. She talked with the wolf. Then the wolf ran to Grandma's house and ate her up! 剧中角色: Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽), Mother,  Wolf, Six Ducks, Grandma   第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:  (一边走一边拍拍围裙,走到桌子旁停住。把桌子上的水果放在篮里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,  mummy, what are you doing?Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,一边皱着眉说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:   Bye-bye. Darling.  第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.  第三场:Grandma家 Grandma:  (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.Grandma:  Who is it?Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma:  (边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in.Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What big eyes!Wolf:I can see you pretty face.Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What big hands.Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.Hunter:  (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声)Hunter:  (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.Hunter:  Grandma ,give me some needles and thread.Little Red Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.Grandma:  (从桌子上拿来针线)Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter:  (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)Grandma:  I'll thread it.Hunter:  (拿起枪)Wake up!Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.Hunter:  You big bad wolf, raise your arms!Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!Wolf: (应声倒下)Hunter:  The bad wolf is dead.Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.  Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you.
发表于 2005-7-1 20:54:00

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. Her stepmother and stepsisters treated her badly. Cinderella had to do a lot of housework every day. But with the help of a fairy, Cinderella appeared at a grand ball as a beautiful princess! The prince fell in love with her, and they lived happily ever after. 剧中角色:Cinderella, Stepmother, Two Ugly Stepsisters, Fairy Godmother, Prince  ReaderOnce upon a time , there was a rich man .Who had a beautiful daughter called Ella .His wife had died long ago ,and he had married again .His second wife was unkind to Ella .She made her work hard all day long ,and Ella’s clothes became ragged and torn .The stepmother had brought her two ugly daughters with her .They were both as unkind as their mother . StepmotherGo and make the beds , Ella .Then do the washing and scrub the floors . ReaderWhen evening came, Ella was always tired.She would sit down by the fireIn the ashes and cindersto rest and keep warm.First Ugly SisterLook at you, down there in the dirty ashes. Second Ugly Sister We are going to call you Cinder-Ella,Because you are always sitting in the cinders. CinderellaOh, why are they unkind to me?I am so sad and lonely. Reader Then one day, a special invitation arrivedfor Cinderella’s stepmotherand the two ugly sisters.They were very excited. StepmotherLook! The King is going to holda Grand Ball at the palace! ToghterOh First Ugly Sister(to Cinderella)You can make new dresses for all of us.We must have the most beautiful clothesTo wear to the ball. Second Ugly Sister The King’s son will be there.I hear that he is looking for a wife.He might choose me! Reader On the night of the Grand Ball,Cinderella helped her stepmotherAnd her ugly sisters to get dressed in their new gowns.Then she watched them driving away. Second Ugly SisterCome here Cinder-EllaFirst Ugly SisterDon’t forget my mother.  Cinderella(crying by the fire)Oh, how I wish I could go to the ball.Who are you? Fairy Godmother(appearing)I am your Fairy Godmother,and I can help you go to the ball.Follow me. Fairy Godmother(tapping with wand)I will turn this pumpkin into a coach !I will turn these six grey miceinto six grey horses to pull the coach .And a rat will become your coachman .Now you can go to the ball, Cinderella ! CinderellaBut I cannot go to the ballin these ragged clothes !Fairy Godmother(tapping with wand)Look ! You are now wearingthe loveliest gown in all the land . CinderellaAnd I have beautiful glass shoes , too !Oh , thank you , Fairy Godmother . Fairy GodmotherYou can be on your way now , my child .But there is one thing to remember !You must leave the ball by midnight ,because then the magic will end ,and your clothes will be rags again . CinderellaI will not forget . Goodbye ! Reader Cinderella walked into the ballroom ,and everyone turned to look at her .The Prince danced with her all night . First Ugly SisterWho is that beautiful girl ? Second Ugly SisterWe have never seen her before . ReaderEveryone wanted to know who she was .Cinderella was having such a wonderful time that she forgot to look at the clock .The chimes of midnight began to ring out . CinderellaIt is midnight ! I must go ! Prince (picking up the shoe)Come back !  Come back !Oh , no ! She has gone !I will get my servants to take this shoeto every house in the land tomorrow .Whoever it fits will become my wife . ReaderThe next day , the Prince’s servants went from house to house with the glass shoe .Every woman in the land tried it on .At last , the servants arrivedat Cinderella’s house .The ugly sisters ran to meet them . StepmotherOpen the doormy dear Second Ugly SisterOh First Ugly SisterLet me try the shoe ! It will fit me . Second Ugly SisterNo !  Give it here !  It is my shoe ! StepmotherStop fighting over that shoe .I will try it .Oh , no ! It will not fit me , either . First Servant (looking at Cinderella)Every woman in the land must try this shoe . First Ugly Sister (laughing)But that is only Cinderella . Second Ugly SisterShe can’t wear such a fine shoe ! Second Servant (kneeling down)Let me see if this shoe will fit you . ReaderCinderella slipped her foot into the shoe . CinderellaIt fits me because it is my shoe . ReaderSuddenly , Cinderella’s Fairy Godmotherappeared again . She waved her wand ,and once more Cinderella was wearing her beautiful gown and both glass shoes . Ugly Sister (together)So it was Cinderella at the ball ! StepmotherShe was the beautiful girl who danced all night with the Prince ! First ServantCome to the palace with us , Cinderella. ReaderCinderella went back to the palacewith the servants.The Prince was delighted to see her again. Prince  Will you marry me and become my wife? Cinderella(smiling to the prince)Oh, yes. I will marry you. ReaderAnd so Cinderella and the princeWere married,and they lived happily ever after.
发表于 2005-7-1 20:55:00
系列6The Three Bears

Once upon a time, there lived a bear family in the Spring Forest. The bears loved singing. They often played in the forest. One day, a little girl was lost in the forest. She entered the bears’ house. The bears were very kind to the girl. They helped her find her way home. 剧中角色:Father Bear,Mother Bear,  Baby Bear,  Naughty Girl  Scene One

In the three bears’ home

Father Bear: I am Father Bear. I like reading. (熊爸爸拿张报纸坐在沙发上说)

Mother Bear: I am Mother Bear. I like cooking. (熊妈妈在乘饭)

Baby Bear: I am Baby Bear. I like singing. (熊宝宝唱着歌快乐地跑到妈妈身边) Mummy, mummy, the soup is hot. Let’s go to the forest and play for a while, ok?

Mother Bear: It’s a good idea.

Father Bear: It’s a sunny day, isn’t it? Let's go.

“Sing, sing, together, merrily merrily sing……”(一家人幸福地唱着歌朝森林走去)

Scene Two

A place which is not far from the bears’ house

Naughty Girl: I am a naughty girl. I like playing by myself. But now I am lost in the forest. I feel thirsty and tired. (小女孩迷茫的望望四周,然后惊喜地大喊) A house, a house! I see a house over there! (她高兴地跑向小熊的房子)

Naughty Girl: May I come in? (小女孩轻轻地敲了敲门,把耳朵贴在门上仔细地听了听)May I come in? Maybe there is nobody in it. (她推门而入)

Mmm, mmm, what a nice smell! A-ha, some soup.

I don’t like Father Bear’s soup.

I don’t like Mother Bear’s soup.

Yummy, yummy! I like Baby Bear’s soup.

Now I’m full. I’ll have a rest. (小姑娘找到卧室发现了小熊的床) I think I like Baby Bear’s bed. (她躺在小熊的床上睡着了)

Scene Three

Father Bear: Baby, it’s time to have lunch. Let’s go home.

Baby Bear: No, no, no. We haven’t played hide and seek.

Mother Bear: We can play it another day.

Baby Bear: OK.

“Rain, rain go away. Come again another day…”(三只小熊唱着歌回家了)

Scene Four

Baby Bear: Daddy, daddy. Look! The door is open.

Father Bear: Maybe the wind blew it open.

Mother Bear: Don’t worry.

Baby Bear: Mummy, mummy. Look! My soup is empty.

Mother Bear: Maybe a cat ate it.

Father Bear: Don’t worry.

Baby Bear: Look! A pretty girl is in my bed.

Mother Bear: Hush, she is must be very tired.

(小姑娘被小熊的喊叫吵醒了,她揉揉眼睛说)“Mr. Bear, I’m very sorry. But I lost my way. Could you help me find my parents? I miss them very much. I will play with them and not go away by myself from now on.” (小女孩哭了起来)

Baby Bear: Don’t cry, please. My father is a great father. We can help you.

Little girl: Really? Thank you very much.

发表于 2005-7-1 20:56:00
系列7Jungle Story

剧情梗概: One day, a group of good friends were playing happily in the jungle. Suddenly they heard someone crying “HELP!” What happened? It was a tiger in a trap! After they helped the tiger out, he said, “Ha ha, I’m hungry now!” He wanted to eat the rabbit first…  剧中角色: rabbit, bird, elephant, bear, deer, mouse, dog, monkey, tiger 剧本提供:  (Place)地点The jungle  清晨,大森林沐浴在和煦的阳光里,小鸟在欢快的歌唱。三个好朋友——小兔子、小老鼠、小象边唱边向这边走来…… [Rabbit]A rabbit, a rabbit,Am I big or small?I’m small, small, small.Hello, bird. [Bird]Hello, rabbit. [Rabbit]What are you doing? [Bird]I’m playing. Let’s play together. [Rabbit]OK. [Elephant]An elephant, an elephant.Am I big or small?I’m big, big, big.Good morning, brown bear and little deer. [Bear and deer]Good morning, elephant.Let’s play together. [Elephant]OK. [Mouse] A mouse, a mouse.Am I big or small?I’m small, small, small. [Mouse]Good morning, Mr. Dog. [Dog]Good morning, little mouse. [Mouse]What are you doing, Mr. Dog? [Dog]I’m playing with my friends. [Mouse]Do you have any friends? [Dog]Yes, of course. Hello, my friends. Come here. Come here. Look, they are all my friends. [Bird]Hello, I’m a bird. I can sing songs. I have beautiful wings. I can fly in the sky.      [Monkey]Hi, I’m a monkey. I’m very clever. I can climb trees. [Bear]Hello, I’m a brown bear. I’m stronger than you. I can climb trees, too. [Monkey]But you’re slow. I’m very, very fast. [Deer]Hello, I’m a deer. I can run. And I’m very fast. What can you do, little rabbit? [Rabbit]I’m wise and cute, and I can jump. [Elephant]Hello, I’m an elephant. I’m the strongest animal in the jungle. And I can dance. [Monkey]You dance poorly. I can dance very well. (The other animals laugh) [Mouse]But you are heavy. You can carry a lot of things.Nice to see you all. How do you do? [All]Nice to see you too. How do you do? [Mouse]Let’s be friends. [All]Yes, let’s be good friends. [Dog]Let’s play together. [All]OK. Come on! [Bear]Look at the beautiful flowers. [Mouse]Look out! There’s a trap. (Suddenly, all the animals hear “Help! Help!”) [Bear]Quiet! Quiet! What’s that sound? What happened? My friends, my friends come here quick. [Rabbit]Who are you? [Tiger]I’m a tiger - your friend. I fell into a trap and I can’t climb out. I beg you, help me, please. [Mouse]I’m so sorry to hear that. Let’s help the poor tiger. [Elephant]You can’t. He’s a tiger. He’s going to eat you! [Tiger]No, no. I’m your friend. I’m very kind. I won’t eat you, I promise. [Mouse]Oh, but he needs our help. [Rabbit]He needs help. I’ll help him. Let’s help him together. [Elephant]OK. Don’t worry. Let’s make a rope and pull him out. (action) [All]Yes, yes. Let’s pull the tiger out. [Elephant]Are you ready? [All]Yes. One, two, three. [Tiger]Thank you, my friends. [All]Not at all. [Tiger]But, I was very hot in there. Now, I would like to drink some water. Would you please get me some water? [Monkey]I’m very clever and fast. Let me get you some water. [Tiger]Thank you, my good friend. [Deer]Big tiger, please, sit down. Have a rest. [Tiger]OK. I’m very tired. [Monkey]Big tiger, I’m back. Here is your water. [Tiger]Thanks a lot. (Tiger drinks water.) Now I’m not thirsty anymore. [Bird]Let’s go on playing. [All]Good. Let’s go on playing. [All]Good. Let’s go on playing. [Rabbit]Big tiger, let’s play together. [Tiger]OK. Little rabbit. Now, I’m … I’m – [Rabbit]What is it? [Tiger]Well, I’m very hungry now. I want to eat something. I think you look delicious. I want to eat you. (action) [Rabbit]Help! Help! Help me! [Birds](cry) My friend, rabbit. [Mouse]Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Oh no! [Bear and dog]We will remember this. You are a very bad tiger! You’ll be sorry! [All]You are a very mean tiger! You’ll pay! [Tiger]I’m not thirsty or hungry anymore. I’m very, very happy. (laughs and laughs. He falls back into the trap.)Help me! My friends, help me! Help me! [All]Sorry. Goodbye! Sorry. Goodbye!Sorry. Goodbye! (The animals look at one another. No one wants to help the tiger anymore.)
发表于 2005-7-1 20:58:00
系列8Cocky Rooster

Long, long ago, there was a beautiful rooster. He was very proud of his beauty. When his friends were out collecting food for winter, he just slept or sang songs. But soon, winter came... What happened? 剧中角色: Rooster Horse Frog Bee Woodpecker Scene One Horse: Oh, spring, spring is coming. It's time to get up. Hi, guys, wake up, wake up! Spring is here! Spring is here! All: wow, spring is here, spring is here. Frog: Look, leaves are turning green. Frog: Flowers are opening. Bee: And the river begins to dance. Bee: The air smells fresh! Woodpecker: Listen, birds are singing. All: It's spring now! It's spring now. H: My dear friends, the whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. I think we should start to work right now. F: Yes, we should plough the fields and plant rice. B: For us, it's time to collect pollen. B: Oh, where is Mr. Rooster? W: He must be dreaming now. All: He is so lazy! F: Why not wake him up and ask him to join us? H: Rooster, Mr. Rooster, wake up, wake up. It's spring now. We should start to work. All: Yes, we should start to work. R: Oh, no, I'm still sleepy. All: Oh! Sleepy?? B: No Rooster. It's spring now. Everyone should start to work. R: Work? I don't need to work. My mum and dad never taught me how to work. F: You don't work? F: I can't believe it, what do you eat? R: Eat? I can find food everywhere, worms, corns and grains. Why do I need to work? B: Oh! Look, Mr. Rooster has become so beautiful. All: Oh yes, he is so beautiful!! R: You are right, I'm so beautiful, so I don't need to work at all. Look at me, red crest and colorful coat, shiny neck and golden feet. Do you have anything like these? H: Rooster, we are not so pretty as you are, but we can do much work. B: Yes, yes, we can make the sweetest honey in the world. F: We can plant rice and wipe out the pests in the fields. W: When the pine trees are sick, I can cure them. H: I can carry heavy loads for others. R: Stop! Look at your big eyes and wide mouth, your gray feathers, and you, you are always dirty. All of you are so ugly. I will never play with you. It's a waste of time to talk with you. I would like to go and have dreams now. H: And we should start to work now. All: Bye. Scene Two R: Oh, it is a fine day. Look! The sun is shining, the birds are singing. It is great to have a barbecue on the beach. Hi, Frog! Hi, little Bee! Hi, Woodpecker! Oh? Where are they? They are not here. I can do it by myself. Oh, there is a piece of field. I am going to have a rest there. F: Oh, my God. Rooster, what are you doing? It is my rice field. Oh! You have destroyed the seedlings. They are growing well, but you destroyed them. You must pay for it, pay for it! R: What? Pay for it? No way!! W: Hey, my friends, why are you crying? F: Rooster spoiled the seedlings. W: Don't worry. We can plant it again. R: Oh, there are flowers over there. How beautiful they are!! One, two, three… B: Oh, my God, Rooster, what are you doing? They are my flowers! R: Yours? No one told me that. B: You can't pick them, I need them to make honey. R: What? Make honey? But I like flowers. I never care about honey. B: No, you cannot do that! You cannot do that! All: What's the matter? B: Rooster spoilt my flowers. F: He has destroyed my seedlings! H: Rooster, you are wrong. You should say sorry to them. R: What? Say sorry to them? No way! Don't waste my time, I will go to the beach and have a picnic All: Oh, Rooster! Scene Three Narrator: Time passes quickly. It is autumn now. Everyone in the forest is busy working, but Rooster plays and sleeps all day. B: Oh, it is autumn now. Leaves begin to fall, flowers begin to wither. I must do my best to make more honey. Oh! Rooster, he must be still dreaming. Hi, Rooster, Rooster. You can't sleep any more. It is autumn now. Winter is near. It will be cold. If you don't get enough food, you will suffer from hunger and cold. R: Oh, don't worry. I will have many things to eat. B: Oh, My God. F: Oh, it is harvest time. There is so much rice in my field. We must carry the rice to our house quickly. Hi, rooster, would you like to help us carry rice? R: What? Carry rice? I am so beautiful. The work will make my feathers dirty. No, no, no, I wouldn't do that. Look! the weather is fine. It is good time to have a picnic. Why not go with me? F: No, Rooster, winter is coming. I must prepare for that. B: Yes, we must prepare for that. R: You coward. Hi, Woodpecker, would you like to have a picnic with me? W: No, Rooster, the old tree is sick. I must go to treat him now. R: Oh! Mr. Horse. He must be at home. Mr. Horse! H: Oh it's you, Rooster. Come in please. What can I do for you? R: Oh, you look so bad! What's the matter? H: I carried some food for Aunt Sheep yesterday and hurt my leg. R: Why did you carry food for Aunt Sheep? H: You know, she is very old, and the food is too heavy for her. R: You are so foolish. I will never do that. Now I am going to have a picnic. Take care of yourself. Bye! H: Thank you. Bye! Scene Four Narrator: Winter has came. It is snowing. Everything has turned white. It was very cold outside. Animals stay in their houses and enjoy the sweet food from their hard work. H: The weather is terrible. I haven't met my friends. How are they getting along? Christmas is coming. I should invite them to have a party. Hi, my friends. Come to my home. Let's have a party! Come to my home. Let's have a party! All: Ok. We are coming. H: Come in please and take your seats. B: Please enjoy my honey. W: It must be the sweetest honey in the world. All: Oh, yes. It's really yummy! F: Look at our rice. We grew and harvested them by ourselves. W: And look at my nuts. It is the present from the pine tree. H: Oh, you are great! But where is Mr. rooster. I have not seen him for a long time. How is he? B: We don't know either. H: Let's go and have a look. All: Ok! H: Mr. Rooter! How are you? F: Mr. Rooter! How are you? How are you? R: Oh, I am freezing, and I have not eaten anything for three days. A: Oh, three days?? B: Oh, your room is as cold as an icehouse. W: Oh, my God. Your feathers have turned gray, F: Your crest has turned white. B: You are not pretty any more!! All: You are not pretty any more!!! R: Wu! Wu! I am not pretty any more. I am not pretty any more! H: Don't worry, Rooster. Come with us and have some food, then you will feel better. R: Thank you. I…I should not be so lazy and tease you. Sorry Horse. Sorry Bee. Sorry Frog. Sorry Woodpecker. H: Don't mention it! Beauty not only lies in the appearance but also in work. B: Right. Work makes us happy. All: Yes, Yes. Work makes us happy. R: I will do my best in the future. F: Rooster, you can sing very well. Why don't get up early and wake us up every morning? B: Yes. That's a good idea. R: I will do that. B: Oh, look. It begins to snow. Shall we go out to play with snowballs? All: Okay!
发表于 2005-7-1 20:59:00
系列9Farm Party

On Old Macdonald’s farm, there lives a very very old horse. Nobody can tell his age, not even himself! Now his birthday comes. His friends want to give him a beautiful surprise! Let’s see what happens… 剧中角色: Old George:农场上的老马 Percy:农场上的小猪 Maria:农场上的绵羊 Kate:农场上的母鸡 Emily:农场上的奶牛 Old Macdonald:农场主人老麦克唐纳(旁白) (以下若干角色没有对话,但要参加生日派对,唱歌曲《祝你生日快乐》和《老麦克唐纳的农场》。每种动物的数量也可以根据情况增加或减少。) 农场上的三只小鸡农场上的四只小鸭农场上的两只小猫农场上的一只小狗 剧本提供: Place(地点)Old MacDonald's farm [Old Macdonald] It's almost time for Old George's birthday. He is very, very old. Nobody can tell his age, not even him! (在老马乔治的马厩前,农场上的动物们正在讨论如何给老马乔治过生日。) Scene One  [Maria] We must do something special for Old George. How about a party with games? [Percy] A party will be fun for us. But Old George is an old horse. I don't think he likes games. [Kate] Then what's your suggestion? [Percy] (歪着头想了想) Let's have a feast! If we save some food every day, we'll have lots of food for his birthday! [Maria, Emily, Kate] (大家都很高兴地异口同声) That's a great idea! (大伙四处找储藏食物的地方。最后大家选定了谷仓的一个角落,来藏他们的好吃的。) [Percy] I like the barn. [Maria] It's big and warm. [Kate] Let's hide the food there! [Percy, Maria, Emily, Kate] Yeah! (大伙每天都省下一些好吃的东东,然后存到他们选定的秘密地点。不久,大家就存了一大堆好吃的。) Scene Two  [Old Macdonald] 就在老马乔治生日前的那个夜晚,小猪Percy怎么也睡不着了。它脑子里总是想着谷仓里那些让人流口水的美食。 [Percy] (躺在自己的稻草床上,翻来覆去睡不着,自言自语。)  I'll just eat a little bit. It'll be OK. (想到这里,Percy不禁流出了口水。) (随后,Percy悄悄起床,踮着脚走到谷仓门口。 他小心翼翼地打开谷仓的门,然后踮着脚走进去。) [Kate] (一直藏在谷仓门后,见Percy进来,兴奋地冲出来指着Percy大叫。) Got you, Percy! I knew you couldn't forget delicious food. Now, go back to bed and wait until morning. (Percy很不好意思,羞红了脸。低着头回到自己的猪圈,一夜再也不敢动了。) Scene Three  [Old Macdonald] 第二天早上,大伙都来到草坪上,拿出他们藏的食物,给老马乔治过生日。大家唱起了生日歌,老马乔治很高兴。 [All] Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear George, Happy birthday to you! [Old George] Thank you, thank you. I'm so happy! [Kate] But where's Percy? (大家发现Percy不见了,四处去找。原来他躲在苹果树后面了。) [Old George] Come out, Percy. Join our party! Here's so much tasty food! [Percy] (不好意思地说) I'm so sorry. I wanted to eat our party food last evening. I…I… [All] (大家都笑了) Never mind, Percy! [Old George] Pigs will be pigs. You were just hungry last night, right? [Maria] Yes. Never mind, Percy. Here, have an apple, Percy! It's your favorite! (Percy高兴地和大家边吃东西边做游戏,农场上热闹极了,大家唱起了麦克唐纳农场上的歌,每当唱到一种动物时,这种动物还高兴地发出自己的叫声。歌声笑声响成一片。) [All] Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O! With an oink oink here, And an oink oink there, Here an oink, there an oink, Everywhere an oink oink Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! (2) duck, quack-quack (3) sheep, baa baa (4) cow, moo moo (5) cat, meow meow (6) dog, bow wow (7)
发表于 2005-7-2 23:04:00
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