Do you know, if someone always spends a lot of time sitting on sofa and watching TV, he or she is called “couch potato.” 沙发上的土豆,用这样的形容词来形容懒人,是不是很贴切啊?不过,英国的农民很不喜欢这个词。They think potato is very healthy. 如果把“土豆”和“懒人”连在一起,有损土豆的形象。最近,英国各地的农民纷纷举行游行,要求从字典中删除“懒人”(couch potato)这个词。What do you think? If you know couch potato is a word for lazy people, will you stop eating potatoes? 不论这场争论的结局如何,“土豆”本身没有错。不过,注意营养均衡,多做运动,的确是每个人都应该记住的哦! |