再次应邀来到南京参加第八届现代与经典小学英语教学观摩活动。这次上课内容Little cottage in the wood.感觉难度很大。不知道怎样上。先后进行了多次考虑,并结合学生的年龄特点和英语知识水平,经过四次修改,确定了教学设计。
Little cottage in the wood 教学设计
A little cottage in the wood. A little man by the window stood. Saw a rabbit hopping by. Knocking at the door. "Help me, help me, help!" he said. "Before that hunter shoots me dead." "Come, little rabbit. Come with me." Happy we will be. 二、教学目标
2、掌握下列单词 cottage, wood, man, window, rabbit, door, hunter,
1、greetings and introductions
1、问候---Class begins. Stand up, please. Good morning, class. Good morning, teacher. Sit down, please.
2、Boys and girls, I’m Mr. Tian, your new English teacher. I’m very happy to see you here. Are you happy to see me? …Maybe. I’m sure we will be very happy today. Can you say something about yourselves? 点两到三位同学来进行自我介绍。每点一个同学,即说:Stand up, please. That boy. 当每个孩子说完之后,给你表扬,并说:Very good . I have something for you. Come, come. Come with me. (这些都是为rhyme中的内容作铺垫的)三个学生说完之后,再给机会让学生来问老师:Do you want to know something about me? Well, thirty seconds for you to discuss. After that, you can ask me questions.
3、有学生的提问,如有问到What’s your favourite colour? 老师就画上一棵树。问学生:What colour is the tree? 然后说:My favourite colour is green. 又如问到What do you like ? 或者What’s your hobby? 老师直接回答说:I like drawing pictures. 然后画树。因此,呈现一棵树、一些树。进而提问:Where can you see many trees? Can you see many trees in your classroom? 学生可能会回答:garden, zoo, park, forest等等。也许四年级学生什么也回答不出来,那么,老师可以直接呈现wood,并辅以中文解释。然后进行wood 单词的朗读,操练。检查一个小组即可。
4、接着提问:What can you see in the wood? 目的是引出cottage。但学生的回答肯定是多种多样的。可能会说到很多动物、花草等等。在这种情况下,老师可以擦掉一些树木,直接画上一幢房子。学生也许会说house,接着解释说明:Yes, it’s house. It’s a little house and it’s a little house in the wood. And we can also say a cottage。 在老师画cottage的时候,适当加入相关词汇:window, door, etc. 板书、朗读cottage单词。一组检查。
5、紧接着,点题:Little cottage in the wood
6、回到cottage图片,由window入手,继续开始简笔画。What’s this in English? It’s a window. Yes. What can you see out of the window? Maybe you can see the clouds. Maybe you can see some birds. And Look. Who is by the window? Yes, a little man. 指引带读:A little man by the window stood. 这一环节注意stand-stood, sit—sat动作的示范。
7、组织进行一两个组的朗读:Little cottage in the wood, a little man by the window stood. 这一环节注意教师的示范、带读、自己读等活动。
10首先将相关学习材料发给学生,要求根据所听内容,填写所缺单词。然后,进行朗读活动-老师示范-全班跟读-再次全班跟读,要求击掌伴奏朗读----老师做动作学生模仿动作朗读----分小组朗读,要求可以按老师的动作进行,也可以自编动作,甚至可以角色扮演朗读little rabbit, little man, the hunter, the narrator,etc.人多的话可以让朗读的人增加或者让其中几位搭起little cottage-最后唱歌表演结束 |