本帖最后由 kimwjy617 于 2009-5-11 20:41 编辑
In man's search for mineral wealth, many enormous holes have been dug. In addition, nature occasionally produces some astounding holes. This list is a pick of the ten most spectacular natural or manmade holes in the face of the earth. 人类在挖矿石时经常会挖掘出非常巨大的矿洞,此外,自然界有时会形成令人惊叹壮观的洞穴,以下是美国媒体列举的地球表面最壮观的自然或人为洞穴。 1. Darvaza Gas Crater-Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦达尔瓦扎天然气坑洞 In 1971, geologists discovered a massive underground deposit of natural gas on this site. Whilst excavating the hole to tap the gas, thedrilling rig collapsed leaving a massive hole. To prevent poisonous gasses from escaping, the hole was allowed to burn. It continues to burn to this day and has done so without ceasing.
1971 年,地质学家发现该区域蕴藏着大量的地下天然气,在常年的开采过程中,由于不慎出现钻探环状坍塌,从而形成了一个非常大的坑洞。为了防止有毒气体溢出,土库曼斯坦政府允许对坑洞中的天然气进行燃烧,这个坑洞从白天到晚上一直处于熊熊烈火燃烧状态。因此,这处燃烧的天然气坑洞也被人们称为 “地狱之门”。
2. Kimberley Diamond Mine-South Africa 南非金伯利钻石矿坑 The Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) holds the (disputed) title of being the largest hand-dug hole in the world. From 1866 to 1914 50,000 miners dug the hole with picks and shovels, yielding 2,722 kg of diamonds. Attempts are being made to have it registered as a world heritage site.
3. Monticello Dam-California 美国加州蒙地赛罗水坝 The Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County, California, United States most noted for its large circular spillway with a rate of 48,400 cubic feet per second.
4 Bingham Canyon Mine-Utah 美国犹他州宾汉姆峡谷铜矿坑 The Bingham Canyon Mine is a copper mine in the Oquirrh mountains, Utah. The mine is 0.75 mile (1.2 km) deep, 2.5 miles (4 km) wide. It is the world's largest manmade excavation.
5. Great Blue Hole-Belize 洪都拉斯蓝洞
The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize. The hole is 1,000 feet across and 400 feet deep. It was formed as a limestone cave during the last iceage
6. Mirny Diamond Mine-Siberia 俄罗斯西伯利亚米尔钻石矿坑 The Mirny Diamond Mine is 525m deep and has a diameter of 1200m. It was the first, and one of the largest, diamond Pipes in the USSR. It is now abandoned. While it was still operational, it would take two hours for trucks to drive from the top to the bottom of the mine.
7. Diavik Mine-Canada 加拿大戴维克钻石矿洞
The Diavik Mine is a mine in the Northwest territories of Canada. The mine (opened in 2003) produces 8 million carats or about 1,600 kg (3,500 lb) of diamonds every year.
8 Sinkhole-Guatemala 危地马拉污水池洞 In 2007, a 300 foot deep sinkhole swallowed a dozen homes in Guatemala - killing 2 and causing thousands to be evacuated. The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.
9. Udachnaya Pipe-Russia 俄罗斯乌达奇纳亚钻石矿洞
The Udachnaya Pipe is a diamond mine in Russia. The owners of the mine plan to cease its operations in 2010 - in favor of underground mining. The mine was discovered in 1955 and is over 600 meters deep
10. Chuquicamata-Chile 智利Chuquicamata铜矿坑 Chuquicamata is an open pit copper mine in Chile. It is the mine with the largest total production of copper in the world - though it is not the largest copper mine. The mine is over 850 meters deep.