As we move into week two of WoW Vault''s closed beta "blog" coverage of Burning Crusade, I just wanted to remind everyone to check out the other six columnists and all the hard work they have been putting into making this site great! Also a big special thanks to Sprawl and buy wow gold Sprawl''s Scrawl for without all of his hardwork, members of Z Guild would not even be in beta. And without further ado, here is issue 2 of Stew''s Misadventures. Be sure to check back daily for additional expansion coverage from a fellow columnist, and check back weekly for another issue of this column.
Well it''s that time again. As promised, I decided to set out for a corpse hopping adventure through some of the newer Outland zones; a good break before returning to finish the quests in Hellfire Peninsula. My good buddy Sprawl was out in the somewhat newly opened zone of Netherstorm, so wow gold I decide to see if I could catch up to him by running up through Zangarmarsh. He does have that added advantage of stealth, but do not underestimate a gnome rough tough and in the buff! Zangarmarsh is a beautiful looking zone in a trippy mushroom sort of way and is very easy to run through seeing how it is the next area. I had no problems getting through this zone and into Blade''s Edge Mountains, which is just north of Zangarmarsh. Now this zone to me looks a lot like the Barrens in a more mountainous way, at least in passing through it does. The whole ogres in thongs and dragons on spikes does set it apart. I did manage to get the flight path in the only alliance town on the map on my way through. The town of Sylvanaar is your carbon copy Night elf down seemingly out of place in the middle of nowhere. Towards the back end of this zone, on my way into Netherstorm, it got a little rougher. Two deaths later and a mad dash across the zone-connecting bridge and I was in the Netherstorm, but I didn''t quite make it to town… so one more trip to the spirit healer.
The Netherstorm zone is# well purple with a lot of lightning in the sky for lack of a better description. I managed to get to a new goblin town much like Gadgertzan called, of all things, Area 52. It lives up to its name, that''s for sure. There are many strange things to see and I''m going to go out on a limb and say they''re many strange things to do quest-wise as well. Since I''m still "low level", there are no quests for me to do here, thus onward to the next area in Netherstorm! The best way for me to describe this next place is a group of "bio-dome bubbles". Inside these bubbles, it''s a dense jungle-like atmosphere and contained in one is the little tree top town of "Stormspire" run by a group of ethereal beings called the Consortium. Think of them like "space goblins", a group of inter-galactic space traders who care for little else except money. After a short stay, I made attempts to open the rest of my map, but I didn''t quite get very far. I did however end up at a spirit healer near the base of Tempest keep, which houses a bunch cheap wow gold of new dungeons only accessible by flying mount. There was a flight path here as well, and a little settlement with a single goblin-like building. Having decided that this was as far as I can go, I hearthstoned back to the Draenei temple in Hellfireto let the "rez sickness" wear off. Then it was off to finish the quests in the Hellfire. Much like the quests in Honor Hold, these quests provided plenty experience points, which were adequate at getting me the rest of the way to 61 before being shipped off to Zangarmarsh to aid the Cenerion Expedition.
Zangarmarsh sounded tempting and all, but before starting that journey, I decide to track down a rumor I heard in town about a new capital city here in Outland. Well obviously this takes precedence over any of Buster''s favorite "kill 5 bad guys quest", so off I go to find it. Once in Zangarmarsh, I decided to head due south toward Terokkar Forest, mostly because I had already explored to the north. Just inside the border is the great city of old! As I begin to explore this Naaru city, I discover some very interesting things. The biggest (and I just can''t keep this to myself) is the existence of permanent portals to all the major cities back on Azeroth. This immediately meant my next goal was to find the nearest innkeeper so that I could anchor my hearthstone. Having that settled, it''s time to get a guided tour of the city by way of a quest picked up in the center building. This (boring) quest explains the story behind the two opposing factions living within the city: The Aldors and the Scryers. Outside of the short story told by the tour guide, I haven''t done much looking into their lore but you are asked to pick a side at the end of the quest. You don''t have to do it right away but it is a decision not to be taken light as you become hated with one side and friendly with the other, much like those minotaur quests in Desolace (except with real rewards). I chose the Aldor simply because their the so-called "good guys". We''ll have to see if it pans out, since it appears that Terokkar Forest will be the next area to explore after Zangarmarsh. Good thing this is beta! Hopefully I will be able to determine which side is better for a Warlock before release, so that I can make an educated decision for my character.
[ Outland Flight Paths for the Alliance ]
Even at level 62, the Felguard is still my ideal choice for my particular playstyle. He continues to be an invaluable force while leveling up. At 62, I''ve gained the first batch of new spells. With the first rank of Fel Armor, Demon Armor is officially off my tabs. I''m not having any problems mowing down enemies even 3 or 4 levels above me at this point and I haven''t upgraded much of my gear either. I''m guessing I''ll start to see some upgrades fairly soon to my gear as I start getting into the instances. I''ll keep you informed of what I do get as currently I wear a full set of "tier 2", which is mostly found in Blackwing Lair.
[ Fel Armor (Rank 1) ]
See you all next week as I start questing in Zangarmarsh. I''ll have my finger heavy on the screenshot button since this area looks a lot more appealing than Hellfire and hopefully I can convince Optim, our priest, and Buster, our tank, to accompany me into Coilfang Reservior for a few new upgrades. |