1. 在英国英语中,like后接的“doing sth.”多表示“泛指性的事情”;而后接“to do sth.”多表示“具体场合的事情”。如上例1中的“learning a foreign language”具有“泛指”的特征:而例2中的“to help her students in the English class”则较多地具有“具体场合”的特征。但上述两类不同范畴的事情之间并没有绝对区分的界限。
2.在美国英语中,“like doing”与“like to do”常常不加区别地换用。例如:He likes walking around the lake. =He likes to walk around the lake. /I like to get up early. =I like getting up early. /Do you like fishing? =Do you like to fish? 但要表示明确的即将发生的具体事情时宜用“like to do”, 而不用“like doing”.
例如:I don’t like to trouble him when he is so busy. |