



3A unit 8 (1)

morning717273 2009-11-15 13:20 [复制链接]
3A Unit8 (Part A)教学方案
第一部分 简要提示
一、年级: 3年级      
三、课题:Let’s go to the park      
五、教学内容:单元Part A
1.掌握单词、词组let’s, a park, a cinema, a zoo, how, good, great, a plane, Xi’an。
2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Let’s go to the park/cinema/zoo. Let’s go to Xi’an. But how? By bike/plane。
七、重点难点:初步掌握Let’s go to…极其回答All right./OK, let’s go./Good./Great. But how?

第二部分 教学过程
T: Hello, I’m Miss Shen. Nice to see you!同学们,很高兴见到你们。
T: Today, let’s learn Unit8 Let’s go to the park 今天,让我们一起学习Unit8 Let’s go to the park
T: (PPT)park park (升降调朗读), This is a park. park,park Let’s go to the park. Let’s go(PPT)
T: Read, please. Let’s go. Let’s /l/ /l/ let’s. let’s go.
T:当老师邀请你们去公园的时候,我说:Let’s go to the park.(PPT)那么,你们该怎么回答呢?我们可以说:OK, Let’s go. (PPT)我们还可以怎么说呢?(PPT)All right.
T: 今天,Miss Shen 还要教给你们两种新的回答方式,如果你很愿意去,你可以说:Good!如果你非常愿意去,那就加重语气:Great!(PPT)
T: Now please repeat. (PPT)

T: Look, (手指屏幕上的图片) Is this a park?(这是公园吗?)
T: No, it’s a zoo. Look at the zoo. What can you see at the zoo?
Oh, I can see a … I can see many animals at the zoo.
T: Yes, we can see animals in the zoo. zoo zoo /z/ /z/ zoo. go to the zoo.
T: Let’s go to the zoo. But how? By bike.(出示自行车图片,板书by bike)
T: by -/b/- /b/ -by  by bike
T: Please read after the tape.  (PPT)A: Let’s go to the zoo. B: But how? A: By bike.

(本步骤设计说明:一开始上课,我们就直切主题,学习Let’s句型,并通过go to…引出本节课教学内容。在新授单词教学时,注意辅音字母的发音,有助于学生对单词的初步记忆)

T: Now , let’s meet our friends Mike and Gao Shan, WangBing and Liu Tao. (屏幕上分别出现Mike and Gao Shan, Wang Bing and Liu Tao四个人物)
T: Mike 会邀请高山去哪里呢?刘涛又会邀请王兵去哪里呢?watch carefully.请同学们认真观看。(金太阳Part A)

T: Got it?看懂了吗?Mike and Gao Shan go to the park. Mike and Gao Shan去了公园,Wang Bing and Liu Tao go to the zoo. Wang Bing and Liu Tao去了动物园,How about Nancy and her mother?  和她妈妈呢?
(ppt:cinema)T: Nancy and her mother go to the park?
T: No, Nancy and her mother go to the cinema. (PPT5 图片旁边出现单词cinema)
教师进行认读教学:cinema ci-ne-ma   cinema  cinema (升降调朗读) go to the cinema

T: In the cinema, we can watch a film. What’s the film about? Let’s enjoy. 你们看到了什么?是兵马俑。你们知不知道在什么地方可以看到兵马俑吗?对了,在西安。很多人都很想去西安。David也不例外,看他多开心呀!
T: OK. Let’s go to Xi’an.
T: Now please repeat. (PPT)
T: But how? By bike.? No, by plane.(出示玩具飞机) plane /p/ /p/ plane, by plane.
5. T: Let’s listen and repeat.(PPT显示课文内容,放录音学生跟读,每句间停顿)
6. T: Open your book to Page46 and follow the tape. 接下来,请同学们打开书,跟录音朗读。Can you read. Please read together.
(本步骤设计说明:本节课的教学重点是句型Let’s go to…, 这在我们生活当中会经常使用到,因此,在教学当中尽可能多地使用该句型,包括让同学们观看影片、跟录音朗读、集体读、个人读等等,都可以使用。)

T: OK. Let’s play a game. Who will be the winner. 好的,接下来我们来玩个游戏。看谁能得第一。准备好了吗?Are you ready?
T: Look at them. Gao Shan and Mike, Liu Tao and Wang Bing, Nancy and her mother.
这是我们刚才看到的几个人物,他们都去哪里呢?你们都记住了吗?老师要考考你们。老师说前半句,你们说后半句。例如:我说:Nancy and her mother你回答:go to the…好吗?
1.T: Nancy and her mother---go to the cinema
2.T: Gao and Mike---go to the park
3. T: Liu Tao and Wang Bing---go to the zoo
4. T: David and his father---go to Xi’an
T: (PPT)本节课我们学习了如何邀请某人去某地的句子,你记住了吗?我们可以这样说Let’s go to…和你的同桌练习一下(停顿一下)。那么怎么去呢?But how? By bike. By plane.
第三部分 说 明
  本节课教师通过命令学生做事情,导入新授内容,学生形成形象思维有利于学生的理解。在教学中,教师要注意地点名词的不同用法:go to the park 与go to Xi’an中the 的用法。教师还要注意鼓励学生通过竞争,提高他们参与学习的积极性。最后通过一个游戏活动,让学生再巩固课文内容,再一次朗读使学生牢牢记住所学知识。
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发表于 2009-11-28 21:22:12
it's very good,thank you.
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