121使蝴蝶变干 make the butterfly dry
122许多美丽的蝴蝶 many beautiful butterflies
123两个触角 two feelers
124两只大翅膀 two big wings
125用三种颜色 use three colours
126剪下 cut out
127知道这个地方 know this place
128天安门广场 Tiananmen Square
129三亚 San Ya
130西湖 West Lake
131漓江 Li River
132豫园 Yu Garden
133在桂林 in Gui Lin
134在海南岛on Hainan Island
135在香港 in Hong Kong
136一张海洋公园的地图a map of Ocean Park
137鱼水族馆 Fish Aquarium
138鲨鱼馆 Shark Aquarium
139海洋剧院 Ocean Theatre
140蝴蝶馆 Butterfly House
141跳水池 dive pool
142去海洋公园go to Ocean Park
143一次去海洋公园的参观 a visit to Ocean Park
144赶车 catch the bus
145去山顶 go to the top of the mountain
146从跳台跳下来 jump off from a tower
147非常高 very high
148非常勇敢 very brave
149在鲨鱼馆at Shark Aquarium
150在上海的一天 a day in Shanghai
151 每天 every day
152 每星期天every Sunday
153 每星期天早上every Sunday morning
154 在周六下午on Saturday afternoon
155 六点钟 six o’clock
156 六点半 half past six
157 六点一刻 a quarter past six
158 六点三刻 a quarter to seven
159 六点十分 ten past six
160 六点五十分 ten to seven
161游泳池的规则 the rules for the swimming- pool |