在上午 给我们看你的画
第一节课 浇花
在星期三下午 一周
集邮 中国邮票
船邮票 花邮票
拍照 去购物
严重的感冒 我的叔叔
发高烧 你的姑姑
感觉冷 踢足球
变得好些了 放风筝
张开你的嘴 画画
每周 一位英国朋友
写一封电子邮件 从早上7点到晚上10点
起床 六点半
和我的朋友们一起踢足球 忙碌的一天
学习语文 一个小城镇
游得好 左脚
跑得快 右胳膊
跳得高 该吃午饭了
游得快 九点五十
吃午饭 在周末
从周一到周五 谈论
八次 度过周末
向左转 每周日
向左右转 在花丛中跳舞
向……学习 向我学英语
一个大城市 说法语
来自于… 参观我们的学校
welcome back to school eight subjects
how many English lessons How about you?
computer studies at once
an interesting subject What’s the trick?
a telephone call May I speak to Helen
call her I’m sorry to hear that
be absent stay in bed
take some medicine have a rest
have a lot of rest School is over/Classes are over
some fruit wrong number
many beautiful stamps animal stamps
show his stamps to his classmates 或show his classmates his stamps
grow flowers cook nice food
make clothes make a model plane for me
the same hobby like playing the piano
play the violin play the guitar
surf the Internet a small town near London
speak loudly dance beautifully
walk carefully sit quietly
listen carefully write carefully
cry loudly at a PE lesson
in the playground give orders
try to follow the orders stand in a line
do some exercise put your feet together
jump up and down put your hands on your head
lie on your back lift up your left leg
stand up touch your nose with your right hand
put your hands on your shoulders feel tire
Let’s hurry brush one’s teeth
be ready for breakfast take some bread with me
be quick a quarter to twelve
on duty at a quarter past four
need to clean the library watch a football game
learn a lot from the Internet go climbing
play on the swing special insects
of course glow at night
catch insects catch butterflies
clean the room carry big things
put them in the bottle an English club
different countries write stories |