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liuxu30495 2010-5-12 13:32 [复制链接]
A: Today let me tell you a story “A stone and a diamond.”
A: After a storm, a dry river is filled with water again. Many stones fall down into the river from the hill. Most of the stones are very happy. They sing and dance together.
A: There are two special stones. One is black, and the other is white. The white stone is as white as snow. She is proud of herself and she looks down on all the other stones. So no one wants to play with her.
B: 河里有两块特殊的石头。一块是黑色的,另一块是白色的。白色的石头很漂亮,白的像雪一样,她很骄傲,总是看不起其它的石头,因此没有谁愿意和她一起玩。
A: One day, while all the stones are playing, the white stone is sitting alone and looking at herself in a mirror. The black stone goes to her and says, “Come and play with us.” “Go away! How ugly and dirty you are.” The black stone goes back to join the other stones.
B: 一天,当其它的石头都在玩的时候,白石头独自一人坐着,欣赏着镜子里的自己。黑石头走过来说:“和我们一起玩吧。” “滚开,你好丑好脏啊!”黑石头走了。
A: The river flows day after day and the water in it slowly washes all the stones clean. On a sunny day, a beautiful and shining light comes out of the river. It is from a diamond.
B: 小河一天天流淌着,河水清洗着每一块石头。在一个阳光明媚的日子里,从河底射出一束光彩夺目的光芒,它是一颗钻石发出来的。
A: All the stones, even the white stone, are surprised. No one talks with the diamond because he is so pretty and shining.
B: 所有的石头,甚至那块白石头都感到很惊讶。没有人与钻石说话,因为它是如此漂亮、夺目。
A: Suddenly, the diamond says, “What’s wrong? Don’t you know me? I am the black stone.” He smiles. “I am still your friend. Let’s play together.” All the stones go around the diamond and dance. The white stone sits there; she is lonely; her face is very red.
B: 突然,钻石说: “怎么啦?你们不认识我了吗?我就是那块黑石头啊。”他笑了。“我还是你们的朋友啊,让我们一起玩吧。”所有的石头都围着钻石跳起舞来。白石头独自一人坐在那儿,她的脸变红了。
A: From then on, all the stones in the river become friends. They live happily together.
B: 从此以后,小河里所有的石头都变成了好朋友,大家一起快乐的生活着。
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