1.一个新学期a new term 2.星期一上午Monday morning
3.上一节英语课have an English lesson 4.第一节课the first lesson
5.欢迎回到学校welcome back to school 6.社会Social Science
7.在上午in the morning 8.在星期三下午on Wednesday afternoon
9.八门课eight subjects 10.电脑课Computer Studies
11.一周a week 12.多少英语课how many English lessons
13.什么课程what subject 14.你呢How about you
15.非常very much 16.立刻at once
17.让我看看Let me see 18.看一看have a look
19.什么秘诀What’s the trick?
20.一门有趣的学科an interesting subject
1. 一个电话a telephone call 2.在学校at school
2. 放学后after school 4.我可以找海伦说话吗?May I speak to Helen
5.打电话给她call her 6.严重的咳嗽a bad cough
7.高烧a high fever 8.很抱歉听到这个消息I’m sorry to hear that
9.感觉冷feel cold 10.变得好些了get better
11.缺席be absent 12.呆在床上stay in the bed
13.吃些药take some medicine 14.休息have a rest
15.多休息have a lot of rest 16.放学了School is over/Classes are over
17.一些水果some fruit 18.张开你的嘴open your mouth
19.选择一个choose one 20.打错了wrong number
1.本的爱好Ben’s hobby 2.集邮collect stamps
3.许多漂亮的邮票many beautiful stamps
4.给他的同学们看他的邮票show his stamps to his classmates
show his classmates his stamps
5.中国邮票Chinese stamps 6.船邮票shp stamp(s)
7.花邮票flower stsamp(s) 8.动物邮票animal stamp(s)
9.给我们看你的画show us your pictures
10.拍照take photos 11.种花grow flowers
12.做出美味的食品cook nice food 13.做衣服make clothes
14.为我做一个模型飞机make a model plane for me
15.购物go shopping 16.做模型轮船make model ships
17.同样的爱好the same hobby 18.浇花water flowers
19.我的叔叔my uncle 20.你的姑姑your aunt
21.喜欢弹钢琴play the piano 22.拉小提琴play the violin
23.弹吉他play the guitar 24.踢足球play football
25.画画draw pictures 26.放风筝fly a kite \ fly kites
1. 一位英国朋友an English friend
2.写一封电子邮件write an e-mail
3.在电脑室in the computer room
4.想要(做)want to
5.上网surf the Internet
6.居住在live in
7.和我的朋友们一起踢足球play football with my friends
8.伦敦附近的一个小镇a small town near London
9.学习语文study Chinese 10.游得好swim well
11.大声说speak loudly 12.跑得快swim fast
13.跳得高jump high 14.舞姿优美dance beautifully
15.小心地走walk carefully 16.安静地坐着sit quietly
17.仔细听listen carefully 18.认真地写write carefully
19.游得快swim fast 20从周一到周五from Monday to Friday
21.在晚上in the evening 22.大声哭cry loudly
1. 在一节体育课上at a Pelesson 2.在操场上in the playground
3.下指令give orders 4.试着服从指令try to follow the orders
5.站成一排stand in a line 6.做一些运动do some exercise
7.把你们的双脚并拢put your feet together
8.上下来回跳jump up and down
9.八次eight times
10.把你的双手放在你的头上put your hands on your head
11.向左转turn left
12.向左右转turn left and right
13.仰面躺下lie on your back
14.举起lift up
15.举起你的左腿lift up your left leg
16.起立stand up
17.用你的右手触摸你的鼻子touch your nose with your right hand
18.把你的双手放在你的双肩上put your hands on your shoulders
19.把一本书放在你头上put a book on your head
20.感觉累feel tired
21.左脚left foot 22.右胳膊right arm
1. 繁忙的一天a busy day 2.咱们快点Let’s hurry
3.从早上7点到晚上10点from seven in the morning to ten at night
4.刷牙brush my teeth 5.起床get up
6.准备好吃早餐be ready for breakfast
7.随身带一些面包take some bread with me
8.该吃午饭了It’s time to have lunch. \ It’s time for lunch.
9.快点be quick 10.11点45分a quarter to twelve
11.值日on duty 12.在4点一刻at a quarter past four
13.六点半half past six
14.需要打扫图书馆need to clean the library
15.看一场足球赛watch a footgame 16.看电视watch TV
17.做我的家庭作业do my homework 18.九点五十ten to ten
19.吃午饭have lunch 20.上床睡觉go to bed
1. 在周末at the weekends 2.谈论talk about
3.度过周末spend the weekends 4.每周日every Sunday
5.从网上学到许多learn a lot from the Internet
6.去爬山go climbing
7.荡秋千play on the swing 8.听音乐listen to music
9.看电影go to the cinema 10. 特殊的昆虫special insects
11.在家at home 12.做家务do housework
13.当然of course 14.看卡通片watch cartoons
15.捉昆虫catch insects 16.捉蝴蝶catch butterflies
17.打扫房间clean the room 18.洗衣服wash clothes
19.小学Primary School 20.搬运大的东西carry big things
21.在花丛中跳舞dance in the flowers
22.有趣的昆虫interesting insects
23.在晚上发光glow at night
24.把它们放到瓶子里put them in the bottle
1. 英语俱乐部an English club 2.参观我们的学校visit our country
3.不同的国家different countries 4.说法语speak French
5.来自于…be from 6.写故事write stories
7.和她的中国朋友交谈talk to her Chinese friends
8.好朋友good friends 9.一个大城市a big city
10.访问美国visit the USA |