as a senior school english teacher, your english is very good enough, morever, you must know and understand english further more, after so many year of studying, what do you think of this kind of language. which points cater for you to learn more? The sound of rhyme? The strict grammar? Literature? I once had a question for you. Now can you feel the beauty of English? Or can you feel the 文采 of English?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Luo Chen:
The following passage can be roughly called the difference between Chinese and English. The Chinese language can be called a form or poetic language. It has a long tradition that the language has a fixed form. Poetry has always been a main form for the Chinese literates to express themselves. From the Book of the Songs to the Tang Poems to the Song Poems. Like the famous couplet by Du fu, wu bian luo mu xiao xiao xia, bu jin Changjiang gun gun lai. The form is perfect. Even if the Chinese wrute in prose, much attention is attached the form of the language. Perhaps because of this, the Chinese has produced few voluminous books. And this tradition is still going on.
Though English has produced many poets too, like Shakespeare and Milton, it can now be called a prose language. Expressiveness goes far before the form. So the form is not very important. Perhaps the rigid grammatical rules in English are another reason why form is not so important. Grammar in English cannot be broken. They are rigid, even in the poems. No sentence can stand without a subject. Owing to its grammar, English lacks variation in the form. The English say what in their minds in a plain way, no attention paid to the form.
The passage can be ended by a frequently quoted sentence: “Style is proper words at proper places.”
Really it's very interesting to find out the difference from the two languages,and the mind of the languages, after so many years leaning, I found I still like our Chinese more. Chinese people are very wise, even from the language still I have something to say, but I have to speak in Chinese:
我感觉汉语是种意合语言,是通过上下文的语境组织的语言(所以不太讲究语法性),比如小时候我们学英语,通常会问: 在书桌上 为什么要翻译成on the desk 当然 ——那个时候老师也回答不出来,现在自己做老师了也会去想这个问题,于是我得出答案,中文有许许多多的省略:你和你妈妈在家,你问妈: 我的钥匙在哪里?妈妈说: 在书桌上。实际上这里的书桌都是大家知道的书桌(如果家里有几张,可能会说“在你爸爸的书桌上”),用不着说:在“那张”书桌上。而英语是从语法性来讲比较严密的语言,所以这里按照“规定”,是要加一个the的。否则这里的书桌会少掉一个“定语”的感觉,英语讲究语法性的最极端的例子就是:形式主语: It is very necessary for you to take part in the party.这样一句话,可能对于中文来说,要表达这样的意思可能字数要少的多,而且很不符合语法规范,但我们却从语境中却能看懂这样的话(所以说在这方面英语要好学的多),英语既然是种这样的“形式”语言,很多时候我们会觉得很死,比如这样句话: There's nothing on the plate. (如果按照字面上我们得翻译成,盘子里有0个东西——竟然还能用纯“肯定”的形式句表达否定的意思),作为我们中文,当然直接翻译“本意”——盘子里没有东西。有时候,我觉得我们中国人聪明,很大程度上是语言思维上的,因为我们一直在“动脑筋”,当然,别看形式语言很死,有时候形式语言能达到我们中文无法到达的“功效”:比如:Where are you? Where were you? 仅仅用一个过去式形式就表达出过去的意思了,但我们中文不得不再添加一个“刚才”(事实上,这句话并没有just now)呵呵,当然,形式语言用的最厉害的我觉得应该是“关系从句”,他有时候起的作用不仅仅是定语从句了,有时候形式上是“定语”从句,实际上又起另外的作用了(简直成一种符号文字了),所以很多人看了关系从句,会一下子不知道怎么翻译,我也是,呵呵。
有文章说,当今的一些文章受欧化影响,句子越来越长,我想也许是过多依赖和借助欧美文章的副作用,不过,说实话,形式语言最大的特点就是语法严格,文章因此而严谨庄重。一些比较重要的文献还是很有必要借助这样的句式(呵呵,说到这里又想到以前的翻译课,老师说的一句句子:As a teacher, he should know....我们几乎不约而同的都开始写道:作为一名教师,他应该知道。。。——我们老师马上评论说:实际上按照中国的文法应该是:身为教师,他。。。。)中国人传统的东西还是短句子居多。
以上说的还只是语言的表面现象,还有语言思维产生的文法问题,段落内容安排问题,以前见过一篇很不错的文章。不过本人现在还是比较喜欢自己国家的语言,小时侯喜欢英语 可能更多的是一种语言学习的“成就感”影响,也和当时老师的“文学功底”有关,到了师范空余时间比较多,会有机会读很多书,同时上过几个很不错的男老师的中文课,感觉非同凡响,立马喜欢上了中文。实际上过了中学阶段,对英语更多的感觉是一种语法文化的感染,即便是学到高级英语中的描述“中东集市”的一篇冗长的散文,还是很不习惯那种过于沉闷,刻板的长的让人不耐烦的长句,有时候想想还不如自学考试泛读里的一些文章。
于是我开始喜欢上我们国家的文字。可简洁,可深长,可睿智,可优美,可轻松,可严谨的一种文字,通感,韵律,与一些传统修辞绝对不比英语少,而且更多的,英语上的修辞是整个形式上的修辞,而我感到我国的文字更多的是一种,内容上的修辞等等。。。 |