班级 ______ 姓名 _______ 学号 ______
/ei/-----name game face table take make jane lake age tape cake snake plane late paper radio baby lady afraid again tail train way today play may day May say away
-----they grey eight
/æ /-----can cat hat has bag bad jam map man flag have and hand glad happy panda black maths thank jacket grandma family that Saturday blackboard
/ /-----she he we me Peter zebra these Chinese evening queen see sheep sweet keep three bee weekend green teeth between feed feel free knee beach clean meat peach please read sea season speak tea easy eat cream weak leaf people
/e /------yes ten hen pen egg get jet let desk pencil then leg lesson red twelve twenty seven seventeen eleven elephant exercise umbrella help well together very guess them bed tell lesson better letter every telephone television Wednesday yellow friend bread head ready weather breakfast any many
/ /-------like bike fine nice ice ride time white shine drive write kite beside pineapple nine knife tiger Chine behind beside library bicycle Chinese dialogue Friday lion nineteen exercise light night right fly my sky why by try buy eye
/ /-------pig big it is six ink thin him ill its bin zip Jim dish little thin give swim with ship sing pink quilt quick river film Miss which spring bring winter listen litter sister radio window think picture office picnic children biscuit English begin fish eleven behind beside between family story sorry orange Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday baby
/ /-------no go so rope those phone nose home coke close old cold hello over postmen sofa radio photo open only don’t soldier snow yellow know show slow tomorrow window throw low boat coat road
/ /------not on dog box fox cock clock of stop Tom from top lot off hot Bob sorry strong soft John office bottle tomorrow dialogue what want wash watch
/ /-------use excuse pupil Tuesday student music new you
/ /-------run sun mum but up under cup must butter bus duck lunch uncle number hungry Sunday supper much umbrella rubber us some one come brother mother colour money monkey son love Monday wonderful cousin touch
/ /-------class ask basket basketball fast glass grass mask father after afternoon classroom classmate past answer star card pardon hard park party March arm art car farmer garden guitar sharp star start supermarket far farm large aunt laugh half heart
/ /-------short sport corn or for horse ball wall tall all talk autumn august daughter quarter warm ward war draw strawberry before your four door water blackboard
/ /-------bird birthday circle dirty shirt skirt sir first girl thirteen thirty her certainly nurse survey Thursday word work worker homework early
/ /-------ruler blue to do who two cool moon room root school smooth too tooth food zoo choose afternoon soon spoon shoe whose fruit juice group
/ /-------air chair pair hair bear pear wear their there where square Mary
/ /-------year dear near hear ear idea here engineer
/ /-------how now down brown flower cow playground round count trousers out loud house mouse about ground blouse cloud mouth cloudy shout
/ /-------noise point join noisy boy toy
/ /-------cook football good book foot classroom wolf woman put would
/ /--------river rubber ruler supper together weather answer under over winter litter letter runner teacher number paper September sister summer super driver tiger mirror doctor colour picture again about above afraid umbrella sugar Saturday
/ /--------thank thin three birthday think bath both mahts mouth smooth thick thing throw tooth
/ /--------brother mother father that this these those the there their then them they together with weather
/ /--------she sheep ship wash English shake shape sure
/ /--------watch teacher China lunch chair match much beach bench sandwich
/ /--------pick thick duck black pick snake like picnic cake cave classroom classmate
/ /--------morning sing bring anything evening spring |