One Key Behavior of effective teaching is the use of variety in lesson presention.
 High impact
 Interactive
 Skill/Content Focus
 FUNNER than lecture
Play is often talked about as if it was a relief from serious learning but for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood
 Making words
 Word Wall
 Spelling Games
 Other Grammar games
 Helpful tools
 Dice, spinners
Making Words
 Materials: Lesson plan, upper and lower letters A-Z, pocket chart, word cards.
 Pass out letters
 Place large letters in the pocket chart/Hold up/name letters --children match
 Write the number of letters they are to use
 For each word
 Tell what letters to use
 Say the word
 Use it in a sentence
 All check and read
 Put the word on a word card, then, in the pocket chart
Cues: “ADD a letter”, “CHANGE a letter”, “MOVE the letters around”, “put all the letters back and start new”, “proper names need a capital”, “Last word uses all the letters”
Extensions: Say and spell, sort for patterns, write new words from the pattern,
Word Wall
 Effective for teaching high frequency words
 Choose words students need frequently in reading and writing
 At least 1 activity is done daily in which children find, write, chant the spelling of words
 Need to read fast, say fast, write fast
Word Wall Activities
 Clap, chant, and write
 Clap and Snap
 Review Rhyme (I’m thinking of a word that rhymes…)
 Guess the Covered word (no letters, beginning letters…)
 Review Cross Checking(With a close sentence, find a word that fits
 Make Sentences
 Be a Mind reader (I’m thinking of a word…2vowels, 7letters, plural, starts with…
 Ruler Tap (I’ll start the tap…)
 Wordo
 Word Sorts
Spelling Game
 Spelling Chairs
 Spelling Basketball
 Spelling Battleship
 Spelling board games
 Spelling pyramid, rainbow, smiley,
Other Grammar Games
 Circle of Synonyms
 Guess the Noun
 Guess (act) the Verb
 I’m going to the store
 Guess the item
 Categories
 Listen and Draw
 I am thinking of …
 What am I
 Plural Scrabble
 Circle of Nouns
 Ten Questions
 Sentence Stretchers
 Subject/Predicate Match |