Teaching contents:
5B Unit 9 Part B Look, read and learn(Countries & Nationalities)
Part C Ask and answer Teaching aims and demands:
1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词China Chinese, the UK, British, the USA, American, Japan, Japanese,Australia,Australian France , French。
2.能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Where are you from? I'm from…I”m… Where is he \ she from? He\Sh is from… He\She is …
3 使学生了解各个国家的一些标志性建筑以及人物,拓展学生的知识面,培养其学习英语的兴趣。
4 Teaching preparation: 1 教师准备好单词卡片,国家图片,多媒体课件,实物玩具,信息表等。 2 学生准备好各个国家的旗子。并且在课前收集一些关于各个国家的资料“建筑和人物等”
5 Teaching process
Step 1 Revision(目的在引出教师的爱好是收集各国国旗)
1) Sing the song “Hobbies”
2) Free talk. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like ?
3) Guess : What’s my hobby ? (猜教师爱好) S: Do you like …? T: Yes\No. Any more? S… T: I have many hobbies. ××× likes collecting stamps , but I don’t like collecting stamps .I like collecting flags (拿出收集的旗子)。
Step 2 Presentation“China”“Chinese”
1) 初步介绍一下各个国旗。 T: Which one stands for “China” 选出五星红旗,并贴在相应位置。朗读China(出示词卡――板书) T: I’m from China? I’m Chinese . Yaoming is from China. He is Chinese too. We are all from China. So we are --------引导学生说“Chinese”(举出词卡)
2) T: Follow me. I’m from China . I’m Chinese. 学生跟说。 开火车操练。(其中教师插入问句“Where are you from?” T ask, S answer)
4) Exchange 呈现 “Where are you from?”
Step 3 Presentation “the UK”“British
1) 课件呈现“学生们熟知的某一教师或学生照片” T: Who is she/he? S: She/He is Miss***/Mr. *** T: Where is he/she from? S: He/She is from China.
2) 呈现“Nancy”图片 T: Is Nancy from China too? S: NO ,she isn’t. T: Where is she from? Listen to Nancy’s self introduction.[事先录一段Nancy的英文介绍,并播放] 教学 “the UK”
3) T: Is Nancy Chinese? S: No. (Listen again.) T: Nancy is ->引导学生说 S: British. 教学“British” T: Mike is Nancy ‘s brother. So Mike is also->引导学生说
4) 呈现“贝克汉姆”照片 T: Where is he from ? S: He is from the UK. He is British. 5) Pair work (教师先与一学生示范) A: Where are you from? B: I’m from China. I’m Chinese A: Where is he from?(手指着课件上图) B: He is from the UK. He is British.
Step 4. Consolidation (介绍一些标志性建筑)
1)T: “Beckham” is from the UK. Do you want to go to the UK? S: Yes. T: OK Let’s go to the UK by plane .
2)Follow me (动作:双臂展开) (课件上呈现飞机飞行,并配以声音) T: Ready ? Go ! ( Go, go , go by plane. Let’s go by plane.) OK. Now we are in the UK.(课件出现 “Big Ben”)
3)T: It’s the Big Ben .(带读两遍) T: Where is the “Big Ben”? S: It’s in the UK.
4)T: Let’s continue our traveling .Let’s go ! (课件呈现伦敦塔桥) 介绍:It’s “London Tower Bridge ”(带学生说两遍) T: Where is the “London Tower Bridge ” S: It’s in the UK .
Step 5. Presentation “the USA”&“ American”.
出现“自由女神像” “the Statue of Liberty” T: Is that in the UK too? S: No. T: Where is it ? 教学“the USA”
1)T: Which flag stands for “the USA”? Show me please. (课件呈现“布什”“Bush”) T: Where is he from? S: He ’s from the USA. T: Is he British? S: No he isn’t . T: You are right. Bush isn’t British. He is American . 教学“American”并朗读。
Step6 . Act. ( 出示实物玩具:米老鼠,熊猫)
T: I have two friends . Mickey and Panpan .They are from different countries . Listen to their conversation. (教师分别扮演两个角色)
P: Hello , My name is Pan Pan .What’s your name?
M: I’m Mickey. Nice to meet you .
P: Where are you from? M: I’m from the USA. I’m American. Where are you from?
P: I’m from China . I’m Chinese. Pair work . 同桌两人分别扮演“Mickey”“Pan pan ”Act out the dialogue.
Step7 Presentation “Japan ” & “Japanese”
1) 看地图,猜国家。Which country is it? Guess: China-> ->UK-> Japan 教学“Japan”.
2) Do you know any famous place in Japan? T: Big Ben is in the UK. \ the Statue of Liberty is in the USA.\the Great Wall is in China . How about in Japan?(S: 富士山) T: 带说“Fuji Mountain”Where is the Fuji Mountain?(课件呈现富士山) S: It’s in Japan.
3)看动画“蜡笔小新”或“一休” T: Who is he? Where is he from? S: He is from Japan. T: So he is Japanese. Guess , how to spell Japanese? (对比China & Chinese)
4)区分“Japan”& “Japanese”发音 Quickly Respond. “看图片” T: I’m from ――> S: Japan . T: I’m ――>S: Japanese. 5)T ――>S 对话(课件呈现小丸子) T: Where is She from? S : She is from Japan . She is Japanese. 男女生问答
Step 8 Play a game(举图片,反映单词) a. I say ,you show b. I show, You say.
1) T:举法国国旗(学生不会)教学France。(课件呈现艾非尔铁塔, 介绍:“Eiffel Tower ”)
2) 出示香水 T: Where is it from?Guess! S: it’s from France. T: It’s my birthday present. It’s from my friend. Lili (课件呈现图片) She is from France. She is French 教学French。
Step 9 通过呈现实物“koala”教学“Australia” 以及 “Australian ”让学生手持国旗进行对话。操练法国以及澳大利亚的国家和国籍的单词句型。
Step10 快速反应 教师说一国家,学生迅速举相应的旗子,并说出句子“I’m from… . I’m…”
Step11. 把国旗分别发给各个小组“击鼓传花”,音乐停,手持国旗的人站起来。其余学生一起问:Where are you from? S: I’m from…… Step 12 Group work。(四人或六人一小组) 2008年奥运会将在中国举行,很多外国游人将要到中国参观。每一小组就是一个小小的旅游团,在参观之前需要填一个简单的信息表。小组中一人是志愿者,其余是外国游人。 Name Country Nationality |