



3A Unit 10 Thank you

jixiaodong 2011-8-24 14:38 [复制链接]
3A Unit 10 Thank you
一、 教学内容和教材简介
1.在认知方面:能听懂、会说单词和词组:an ice-cream,a cake ,a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a cup of tea 和 a cup of coffee.能听懂、会说日常交际用语some...? /A(an)...?/a glass of...?/a cup of ...?以及应答语。
2. 在技能方面:能够将所学的知识在相似的生活中进行运用。
3. 在情感教育方面:让孩子们能用Some...?A(an)…?这些简短的句子征求别人的意见,并能在情景中熟练运用,培养其良好的交际的感觉,培养文明礼貌的习惯。
1.能听懂、会说an ice-cream ,a glass of milk, a glass of juice, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, a cake.
2.会用…, please./Some…?/…?征求对方意见以及其应答语。
1. 单词an ice-cream、a cake的读音以及a glass of和 a cup of
2. 会用正确的语调对话去征求对方的意见,强调No, thank you./No,
3. 让学生了解中西方文化的差异,培养文明礼貌的习惯。
五. 课前准备
1. 教具准备: 一些食品,饮料,及实物。
2. 板书准备:黑板上写好课题 Unit 10 Thank you。
1 教学方法:通过设定一个真实的情境,即在一家自助餐厅,来让学生参与小组合作和交流,培养学生积极主动参与学习和大胆开口说英语的习惯。
2 教学手段:多媒体教学

Step1. Warm up
1.        Greeting
2.Play a game :T say, S do.
T: Turn on /Turn off …, please.
S: OK. / All right. (并用动作表示出来)
T: Open/ Close …, please.
S: OK. /All right. (并用动作表示出来)
3. Sing a song:Hello, how are you?
Step2. Presentation
教授新单词ice-cream, juice/a glass of juice和milk/a glass of milk, a cup of tea ,a cup of coffee ,an egg, a cake, a hamburger
1)  教授an ice-cream.
T:“If now is summer, what do you want to eat in the restaurant?”
幻灯片出现ice-cream的图片,邀请同学回答,播放其读音,学生跟读单词(集体读、个人读、小组读),拿出an ice-cream的卡片,拼读an ice-cream,注意an的用法。   
2) 教授单词juice和 a glass of orange juice
T: To you, is an ice-cream enough? (提示学生此处的意思)
T: Now I’m thirsty ,let me find something to drink.拿出一杯果汁
T: What is it?
T: 介绍不同的果汁名称,以orange juice为例。启发学生:我们生活中还有哪些果汁呢? (watermelon juice,pear juice ,peach juice…)
T: Oh, today is very hot, I’m really thirsty, can I drink more juice?(Ss: Yes启发学生说yes引出thank you和thanks)。拿出一个玻璃杯,跟读glass。老师倒橙汁,倒满一大杯,say: a glass of orange juice. 跟读。分解难点:glass---a glass of ----a glass of orange juice 拿出卡片,跟读。操练: High voice and low voice .
  3) 教授milk和a glass of milk(拿出牛奶实物)
T: Is it a glass of juice?.
Ss: No
T:呈现milk的图片, 邀请同学回答,播放其读音,学生跟读单词(集体读、个人读、小组读),拿出milk的卡片,拼读milk用不同的语调读。
`         倒好一杯牛奶,让学生自己思考应该怎么说,给与提示,然后介绍正确的应是a glass of milk。操练:用不同的语调读,分角色去操练。
4) a cup of tea ,a cup of coffee
1. a cup of tea
T: When I’m thirsty, I’d like to drink some juice or some milk. Now Mr. DingDang Cat is thirsty, do you know what does Mr. DingDang Cat want to drink? Let’s go and ask.
出现Mr. DingDang Cat的图片
T: What do you want, Mr. DingDang Cat?
呈现一杯茶和Mr. DingDang Cat,并出现声音: A cup of tea,please.(连听二遍)引出a cup of tea。分解难点: cup--a cup of--a cup of tea让学生跟读,分组读,男女生读)
2. a cup of coffee
T: You know ,we Chinese people would like a glass of tea, but in west countries ,they don’t like a glass of tea, they like a cup of tea.我们中国人喜欢喝茶,然而,在西方,人们喜欢喝咖啡。(让学生了解一些中西文化差异)
    T: Do you know what’s Mr DingDang Cat’s friend Mr Elephant would like in this restaurant? (邀请同学猜和说)引出coffee。跟读,注意/i/的音,不要发成长音/i:/,然后引出a cup of coffee.
3. Say a rhyme.
  Milk, milk是牛奶,a glass of milk;
  Juice, juice是果汁,a glass of juice;
  Tea ,tea 是茶,a cup of tea;
  Coffee, coffee是咖啡,a cup of coffee.
7) a cake
出现一个完整的蛋糕和猪八戒的图片,邀请同学回答,播放其读音,学生跟读单词(集体读、个人读、小组读),拿出a cake的卡片,拼读a cake,注意读法。
介绍其复数形式some cakes,跟读数遍。多媒体动画:许多个蛋糕 ,跟读数遍。
Step 3: Practice-Game time
1) 齐读新单词与词组
2) 设计二个游戏,由易到难,由浅入深,逐步深入.
Game 1: Magic ears
Game2: What’s missing?
Step 4:Presentation
A Learn to say
1) 看视频动画。
2) T:What does Yang Ling want to eat?/What does Nancy want to drink? 让学生再听一遍,让学生带着问题去听,有目的地听。听完后,进行德育渗透,Yang Ling doesn’t want some cakes ,but she still says: No, thanks. 当别人征求你的意见时,无论是接受还是拒绝,你都要说thank you or thanks .
3) 逐句跟录音读课文,二遍。
4) 邀请两位学生把对话演绎出来,然后让学生自己用句型自由交谈。
Step 5:Consolidation——Buying things
1)  T: Today we have learned some drinks and foods and how to ask others what do they want .There are a lot of foods and drinks here. I will choose two students to make a dialogue.(教师提示)
2) 请学生把自己带来的东西拿出来,邀请自己的朋友,去买东西,操练对话
3) 让学生上讲台展示刚才练习的效果。
Step 6:Homework
1) Read the new words and phrases fluently.
2) Make a dialogue with your friends.
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